
重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4): 11-20.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2023.04.02

• 交通+大数据人工智能 • 上一篇    



  1. (1. 哈尔滨学院 土木建筑工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150086; 2. 黑龙江省地下工程技术重点实验室,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150086)
  • 收稿日期:2021-12-13 修回日期:2022-03-17 发布日期:2023-06-12
  • 作者简介:刘兴国(1985—),男,黑龙江哈尔滨人,副教授,博士,主要从事桥梁工程方面的研究。E-mail:305457174@qq.com 通信作者:黄巍(1977—),女,黑龙江伊春人,副教授,博士,主要从事桥梁损伤加固方面的研究。E-mail:13351019987@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Radial Temperature Field of High-Strength Steel Wire Cable in Cold Area and Its Parameter Influence Law

LIU Xingguo1,2, HUANG Wei1,2, TAO Chenyun1,2   

  1. (1. School of Civil Engineering, Harbin University, Harbin 150086, Heilongjiang, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Underground Engineering Technology of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150086, Heilongjiang, China)
  • Received:2021-12-13 Revised:2022-03-17 Published:2023-06-12

摘要: 为系统分析系杆拱桥吊杆径向温度的影响因素,对三跨系杆拱桥吊杆横断面温度场进行实测试验,获得了吊杆在6个月周期内的温度变化数据;基于热传导理论,采用ANSYS有限元软件建立吊杆导热温度场仿真分析模型,以气象参数、吊杆材料热工参数、内部钢丝孔隙率及杆体直径参数为影响因素,针对单一影响因素对温度场的敏感程度进行数值分析。研究结果表明:太阳辐射强度是主要影响因素,辐射强度每降低100 W/m2时吊杆内部钢丝两外侧径向温差减小0.77 ℃;吊杆内部钢丝孔隙率对吊杆庇荫面内部钢丝温度、径向温差值的影响较大,从5%变为15%,径向温差最大变化量为3.4、1.8 ℃;索体直径由97 mm变为600 mm时,索体横断面温度不均匀分布明显增大,其径向温差变化量为9.0 ℃,对结构受力不利;钢丝及外包防腐材料的导热系数及比热容,对吊杆内部钢丝两外侧径向温差的影响均很小,径向温差最大变化量分别为1.3、1.0 ℃。

关键词: 桥梁工程;桥梁吊杆;温度测试;有限元分析;温度场;敏感性分析

Abstract: In order to systematically analyze the factors affecting the radial temperature of the suspender of tied-arch bridge, the temperature variation data of suspenders in six-month period were obtained through the measured test on the cross-sectional temperature field of suspenders of three-span tied-arch bridge. Based on heat conduction theory, the simulation analysis model of thermal conduction temperature field of suspender was established by ANSYS finite element software. The sensitivity of temperature field was analyzed by numerical analysis method based on the single condition such as meteorological parameters, thermal parameters of suspender material, internal steel wire porosity and rod diameter parameters. The research results show that the solar radiation intensity plays a major influence factor. When the radiation intensity decreases by 100 w/m2, the radial temperature difference between the two outer sides of the steel wire inside the suspension rod decreases by 0.77 ℃. The porosity of steel wire inside the suspender has great influence on the temperature and radial temperature difference of steel wire inside the shaded surface of the suspender. When the porosity is changed from 5 % and 15 %, the maximum radial temperature difference is 3.4 ℃ and 1.8 ℃, respectively. When the diameter of the cable body changes from 97 mm to 600 mm, the uneven distribution of temperature in the cross-section of the cable body increases obviously, and the radial temperature difference changes to 9.0℃, which is unfavorable to the structural stress. The thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of steel wire and external anti-corrosion materials have little effect on the radial temperature difference between the two outer sides of the steel wire inside the suspension rod, and the maximum radial temperature difference is 1.3 ℃ and 1.0 ℃, respectively.

Key words: bridge engineering; bridge suspender; temperature test; finite element analysis; temperature field; sensitivity analysis
