
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science) ›› 2011, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (S1): 613-618.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp1.026

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Security AlarMSysteMDealing with Paroxysmal Collapse of Perilous Rock

ZHAO Xian-tao,TANG Lan,XIANG Jie,HU Ting,DENG Shah-shan,YAN Hui, CHEN Dong-mei,XIONG Li·yong   

  1. School of River&Ocean Engineering,Chongqing Jiaotong University,Chongqing 400074,China
  • Received:2011-06-09 Revised:2011-06-20 Online:2011-07-15 Published:2015-03-12


赵先涛,唐兰,向杰,胡婷,邓珊珊,闫 慧,陈冬梅,熊礼勇   

  1. 重庆交通大学河海学院,重庆400074
  • 作者简介:赵先涛(1987—),男,四川泸州人,本科生,主要从事地质工程方面研究。E-mail:445234015@qq.com

Abstract: The security alarMsysteMtakes fracture mechanics as theoretical guidance.The stability analysis method of fracture mechanics based on the limit equilibriuMtheory is different froMthe former proposed stability analysis.Thus,the 3 D stress collector and the security alarMsysteMdealing with paroxysmal collapse of perilous rock are developed and re- searched.The alarMsysteMconsists of 3 D stress collector,lineate information processor and warning LCD.The 3 D stress collector is different with ordinary stress collector,which is able to collect different depths and locations of stresses in rocks, that is to say the 3D stresses existing in the paroxysmal collapse. Then the maximuMshear stress and press stress chosen froMthe 3D stresses are convened into the maximuMshear stress and tension stress existing in master structure surface.The switched stresses are finally the~undation information of measuring the stability of rocks.Through the established calcula- tion model,the stability coefi cients of perilous rock are obtained and the systeMautomatically estimates the stability state of paroxysmal collapse.The security alarMsysteMtransfers the judging outcome information by wired.The whole warning sys- teMis employing red,yellow,blue,green guiding lamps and whistle signal that shoWdifferent states of paroxysmal collapse warns to activators in dangerous areas.

Key words: words:perilous rock, collapse, stability analysis, fracture mechanics, alarMsysteM, 3D stress collector

摘要: 以断裂力学为理论指导,提出了不同于基于极限平衡理论的稳定分析法的断裂力学稳定性分析法,研发了三 维应力采集器和危岩突发性崩塌应急安全警报系统。警报系统包括三维应力采集器、有线信息处理器、警报显示 器。三维应力采集器区别于普通的应力采集器,它可采集危岩体内不同深度不同位置的应力。即危岩体内的三维 应力,提取这些应力中最大的剪应力和压应力,并转化为沿主控结构面的最大剪应力和拉应力,以此作为危岩稳定 性判定的基础信息。通过系统建立的模型获得稳定性系数并自动判定危岩体的稳定状态,判定结果通过有线方式, 最后以红黄蓝绿指示灯和鸣笛信号来警告危险区活动者。

关键词: 危岩, 崩塌, 稳定性分析, 断裂力学, 预警系统, 三维应力采集器

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