
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science) ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (11): 1-6.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2022.11.01

• Transportation+Big Data & Artificial Intelligence •     Next Articles

Intelligent Evaluation Method of Marine Engine Simulator Based on TOPSIS-Vague Set

CAO Hui1, LIANG Shiyuan1, ZHAO Hui2, SHEN Henglong1, JIA Zhiwei1   

  1. (1. School of Marine Engine Engineering, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, Liaoning, China; 2. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Dredging Engineering Enterprises, CCCC Tianjin Dredging Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300457, China)
  • Received:2021-06-23 Revised:2021-08-18 Published:2023-01-04



  1. (1. 大连海事大学 轮机工程学院,辽宁 大连 116026; 2. 中交天津航道局有限公司 天津市疏浚工程技术企业重点实验室,天津 300457)
  • 作者简介:曹 辉(1979—),男,辽宁大连人,副教授,博士,主要从事轮机工程方面的研究。E-mail:bingbinghui@sohu.com
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Aiming at the problem that the existing evaluation methods of marine engine simulator can’t objectively and accurately reflect the actual operation level of the personnel to be assessed, an intelligent evaluation method based on operation data was proposed. Based on the C-OWA operator weighting method, experts were invited to determine the subjective weight of the indicators. At the same time, the objective weight was calculated by the coefficient of variation method according to the operation data. The minimum discriminant information principle was selected to calculate the combined weight. The evaluation items of a typical marine engine simulator were ranked according to TOPSIS-Vague set scheme. The calculation results show that the TOPSIS-Vague set method based on the combined weight can be well used for intelligent evaluation of marine engine simulator.

Key words: ship engineering; marine engine simulator; intelligent evaluation; weighting method; TOPSIS; Vague set

摘要: 针对现有轮机模拟器评估方法无法客观准确地反映待考核人员实际操作水平的问题,提出了一种基于操作数据的智能评估方法。基于C-OWA算子赋权法,邀请专家来确定指标的主观权重;根据操作数据,利用变异系数法计算其客观权重;选择最小鉴别信息原理用来计算组合权重;结合TOPSIS-Vague集方案对某一典型的轮机模拟器评估项目进行排序。计算结果表明:基于组合赋权的TOPSIS-Vague集方法能较好地进行轮机模拟器智能评估。

关键词: 船舶工程;轮机模拟器;智能评估;赋权方法;TOPSIS;Vague集

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