
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science) ›› 2013, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 1049-1054.DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1674-0696.2013.05.33

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Classification,State of the Art and Development Tendency of Strategies for Hybrid Electric Vehicles

Wei Hanbing,He Yituan,Li Jun,Deng Tao   

  1. School of Mechatronics & Automobile Engineering,Chongqing Jiaotong University,Chongqing 400074,China
  • Received:2012-09-15 Revised:2012-12-11 Online:2013-10-15 Published:2014-10-27



  1. 重庆交通大学机电与汽车工程学院,重庆400074
  • 作者简介:隗寒冰( 1979—) ,男,湖北安陆人,博士,讲师,主要从事车辆动力传动及其综合控制方面的研究。E-mail: hanbingwei. cn@ gmail. cn。
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金( 51305472) ; 重庆市科委自然科学基金( CSTC 2012jjA90012)

Abstract: The literature of the control strategies for hybrid electric vehicle which had been published during the past decade were summarized and analyzed. The current control strategies of hybrid electric vehicle mainly focused on the optimization of the torque supplied by the multi-power source in order to achieve the optimal fuel consumption,and as well as minimum impact when operation mode is changed; however,the emission performance of the hybrid electric vehicle need more attention. Moreover,the control strategies for hybrid electric vehicle should be designed not only to achieve the optimal fuel economy but also to take the engine’s exhaust emission into account. Especially during the cold start stage before the catalytic converter reach it’s " light-off" temperature,emission should be considered in the control strategy to meet the increasingly stringent emission regulations. And then the integrated control strategies including thermal management of engine and battery, energy management of hybrid vehicle,should be developed from the aspect of human-vehicle-road to meet the requirements of the actual driving cycle,with the consideration of following factors,the battery life,battery temperature,driving comfort and the reliability of various components.

Key words: hybrid electric vehicle, three way catalyst, control strategy, emission

摘要: 对现有混合动力汽车控制策略进行了归纳和分析,指出当前混合动力汽车控制策略的研究主要集中在以提高 燃油经济性为目的的能量管理优化和以降低冲击度为目的的动力协调控制等方面,对排放性能的研究还未受到重 视。提出今后混合动力汽车控制策略的研究重点不仅要实现最优的燃油经济性,而且要兼顾发动机尾气排放,尤其 是低温冷起动阶段催化器出口的排放,以满足日益严格的排放法规要求。在此基础之上,考虑电池温度、电池寿命、 模式切换时的平顺性以及各部件的可靠性等因素,整体分析、系统优化以油耗和排放为多目标的能量管理策略,研 究发动机热管理、蓄电池热管理与混合动力汽车能量管理方法,从人-车-路闭环角度开发满足实际道路运行条件要 求的控制策略是未来的发展趋势。

关键词: 混合动力汽车, 三元催化器, 控制策略, 排放

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