
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science) ›› 2014, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 98-102.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.22

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Review on Field Observation Technologies for Fluid Mud

Ju Yao1,3 , Gao Min2, Wang Yuanye3, Wang Zhongyin3   

  1. 1. Research Institute of Shanghai Waterary Engineering Survey & Design , Shanghai 200120 , China; 2. Yangtze Estuary Waterway Administration Bureau of MOC , Shanghai 200003 , China; 3. Shanghai Estuarine & Coastal Science Research Center , Shanghai 201201 , China
  • Received:2012-10-28 Revised:2013-03-12 Online:2014-02-15 Published:2015-01-22


居尧1,3, 高敏2,王元叶3,王钟寅3   

  1. 1. 上海航道勘察设计研究院,上海200120;2. 交通运输部长江口航道管理局,上海200003; 3. 上海河口海岸科学研究中心,上海201201
  • 作者简介:居尧(1988-) ,男,江苏如泉人,硕士,主要从事河口海岸水动力学方面的研究。E-mail: ericarenas@163.com 。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Fluid mud often appeared in harbor basins and navigation channels in muddy coast areas and caused the shoaling of navigable depth , which affected the judgment of nautical depth and might cause serious results such as ship grounding. The problem of fluid mud resulted in field observation and the progressing of observation technology made it possible to accurately acquire the key properties of the fluid mud including thickness , rheological properties and density. It provided an essential support to analyze the source , composition , movement characteristics and formation mechanism of fluid mud. And different field observation technologies for fluid mud were classified and introduced. The advantages and disadvantages were then briefly analyzed. The SILAS system represents the developing trend of fluid mud observation because of it' s visual and reliable data , which is essential to navigable depth study.

Key words: fluid mud, field observation, three-wings-lead;γ-ray, dual-frequency depth sounder, tuning fork, SILAS

摘要: 淤泥质海岸地区的港池及泼深的航道内容易产生浮泥层,造成通航水深的减小,影响适航水深的判断,严重时 会导致船舶搁浅。浮泥问题的提出正是源于现场观测的结果,测量技术手段的不断进步为准确获得浮泥层的厚度、 流变特性、密度等关键参数,深入研究浮泥的组成来源、运动特性及形成机理提供了重要支持。对浮泥现场观测技 术进行了分类及介绍,并简要分析了各观测方法的优缺点,认为以SILAS 系统为代表的搞合观测系统代表了今后 浮泥现场观测的发展趋势,该方法所得数据直观、可靠且连续,可为研究浮泥分布、确定适航水深等问题提供较为准 确的依据。

关键词: 浮泥, 现场观测, 三爪陀, γ 射线, 双频测深仪, 音叉, SILAS

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