
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science) ›› 2013, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 1101-1105.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2013.06.01

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Influence of Ratio of Side-Span to Mid-Span and Length of Unsupported Deck on Static and Dynamic Performance of Single Pylon Cable-Stayed Bridges

PU Qianhui,Zhao Hu   

  1. School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University , Chengdu 610031 , Sichuan , China
  • Received:2012-11-13 Revised:2013-01-05 Online:2013-12-15 Published:2015-01-22



  1. 西南交通大学土木工程学院,四川 成都 610031
  • 作者简介:蒲黔辉(1965—),男,四川成都人,工学博士,主要从事新建桥及既有桥结构研究与评估工作。E-mail:qhpu@vip.163.com

Abstract: Based on the constructed single pylon cable-stayed main bridge o[ Shangzhongba Jialingjiang Bridge in Nanchong , finite element calculation models were estab!ished. Comparative calculation was carried out to tell the influence on the structure' s static and dynamic performance caused by two main factors , the ratio of side叩an to mid叩an and the length of unsupported deck. Bolh of them were analyzed separately to study the independent effect on the structure' s static and dynamic performance. Calculation results show that changes of the ratio of side-span to mid-span and the length of unsupported deck make an apparent contribution to the change of structure ' s static performance; however , the same changes make a !ittle contribution to inherent vibration characteristics. Conclusions are drawn to optimize the structure design of the cable-stayed bridge.

Key words: single pylon cable-stayed bridge, static performance, dynamic performance, the length of unsupported deck; ratio of side-span to mid-span

摘要: 以南充市民已建成的上中坝嘉陵江大桥主桥独塔斜拉桥为研究背景,建立了有限元对比分析计算模型,对边中跨比、主梁无索区长度两种参数进行单因素分析。计算结果表明:边中跨比、主梁元索区长度对结构静力特性有全面而深刻的影响,但对结构的固有振动特性影响却并不显著。分析结果可为斜拉桥的结构设计优化提供一定的 参考。

关键词: 独塔斜拉桥, 静力特性, 动力特性, 无索区长度, 边中跨比

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