
重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2011, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (S1): 665-669.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp1.039

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  1. 1.重庆市地质灾害防治工程勘查设计院,重庆400700;2.重庆市地质矿产勘查开发局,重庆401121; 3.重庆交通大学岩土工程研究所,重庆400074
  • 收稿日期:2011-05-24 修回日期:2011-06-20 出版日期:2011-07-15 发布日期:2015-03-12
  • 作者简介:熊超(1986—),男,重庆万州人,硕士研究生,主要从事岩土工程研究。E-mail:xiongc0925@163.Com

Formation MechanisMand Treatment Measure of HuangcaOshan Crags on Chongqing-Fulin Highway

XIONG Chao1 ,YUAN Xing.ping2 ,LIU Guang.hua 1,TANG Hong.mei3   

  1. (1.Chongqing Exploration&Design Institute of Geological Hazard Control Engineering,Chongqing 400700,China; 2.Chongqing Bureau of Geology& Minerals Exploration,Chongqing 401 121,China; 3.Institute of Geotechnical Engineering,Chongqing Jiaotong University,Chongqing 400074,China
  • Received:2011-05-24 Revised:2011-06-20 Online:2011-07-15 Published:2015-03-12

摘要: 以渝涪高速公路黄革山危岩为例,论述了危岩体地形地貌及地质构造特征,分析了其形成机理,得出在其发育 过程中具有明显的链式规律,包括宏观链及微观链;将危岩体划分为群体及单体两类,分析了影响危岩形成的主要 因素与过程。采用FLAC有限差分方法研究了凹腔及其上部岩体变形破坏的发展趋势。结果表明,危岩体的形成 主要是由于岩腔形成过程中危岩体顶部受拉,形成卸荷带裂缝,进而促进了危岩体发生以受拉破坏为主的崩塌。拟 定“表层风化破碎带清除+危岩体主动防护网+危岩区格构锚固+喷混凝土封闭+浆砌块石支撑+排水工程”的 治理方案

关键词: 危岩, 形成机理, 数值模拟, 治理对策

Abstract: Huangcaoshan crags in Chongqing-Fulin highway was taken as an example. Its geological environment and geomorphological characteristics of geological hazards were expouned and the formation mechanisMwas analyzed.The chain rule including macro and micro level of crags development,was concluded.The crags were divided into two types of group and monomer to analyze the main factors and processes impact the crags formation.Finite difference method of FLAC was used to study the development trend of deformation at the cavity and the upper part of roekmass.The result shows that the reason of crags’formation is mainly that the tension on the top of crags in the process of rock cavity formation induces unloading cracks zone which thereby promotes possibility of the tension damage collapse in crags.An control prograM,which including slope su~ace cleaning,active protection systems,slope lattice flame anchoring,shotcrete closing,stone masonry support and drainage engineering,was dreWup

Key words: crags, formation mechanics, numerical simulation, treatment measure
