
重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (03): 1-8.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2022.03.01

• 交通+大数据人工智能 •    下一篇



  1. (中国民航大学 经济与管理学院,天津 300300)
  • 收稿日期:2021-04-01 修回日期:2021-04-14 发布日期:2022-03-24

Evaluation and Restoration of Passenger Boarding Efficiency under COVID-19 Prevention and Control

REN Xinhui, SHI Xiaoting   

  1. (College of Economics and Management, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin 300300, China)
  • Received:2021-04-01 Revised:2021-04-14 Published:2022-03-24

摘要: 新冠疫情防控给航空旅客安全出行带来诸多流程和措施的改变,其中保持社交距离的规定严重影响了以快速高效为目标的旅客登机效率。利用元胞自动机登机仿真模型,对随机(random,RD)、从外至内(outside-in,OI)、从后往前(back-to-front,BF)、倒金字塔(reverse pyramid,RP)、半块交叉(half-block,HB)等常见登机策略在新冠疫情防控下的旅客登机效率重新进行科学评估,对相关影响因素进行敏感性分析,并提出可恢复登机效率的可操作对策及对策组合。研究表明:保持社交距离平均延长2.4~2.8倍的登机时间,造成58.0%~64.1%的旅客登机效率下降;过道社交间距是影响登机效率的最主要因素,以RD登机策略为例,社交间距平均每增加0.4 m,登机效率降低17.2%;改用OI登机策略、限制旅客随身行李、使用双舱门等登机对策可分别平均恢复3.0%、3.2%、27.9%的效率损失,采用登机对策组合可恢复40.3% 的效率损失,在保证疫情防控安全下有效恢复了降低的登机效率。

Abstract: The prevention and control of COVID-19 has brought about many changes in the process and measures of air passenger safety travel, and maintaining the social distance requirement seriously affects the efficiency of boarding passengers with fast and efficient targets. Based on cellular automaton boarding simulation model, boarding strategies such as random (RD), outside-in (OI), back-to-front (BF), reverse pyramid (RP) and half-block (HB) were chosen to re-evaluate passenger boarding efficiency under the COVID-19 prevention and control. The sensitivity analysis of relevant influencing factors was carried out, and the operable countermeasures and combination of countermeasures that could restore boarding efficiency were put forward. The research shows that keeping social distance will prolong boarding time by an average of 2.4 ~ 2.8 times, resulting in a decline in the boarding efficiency of 58.0% ~ 64.1% of passengers. The aisle distance is the main factor affecting the boarding efficiency. Taking the random (RD) strategy as an example, the boarding efficiency decreases by 17.2% for every 0.4 m spacing increase. Using OI boarding strategy, restricting passengers carry-on luggage and using double cabin doors and other boarding strategies can recover an average of 3.0%, 3.2% and 27.9% of the efficiency loss, and using the combination of countermeasures can recover 40.3% of the efficiency loss, which can effectively recover the reduced boarding efficiency under the guarantee of the safety of epidemic prevention and control.