
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science) ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (6): 37-42.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.06.07

• Bridge & Tunnel Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Construction and Monitoring of Railway Tunnel Adjacent to Reservoir through F4 Fault

Ran Wanyun   

  1. The First Civil Engineering Co., Ltd.,CREC Shanghai Group, Wuhu 241000, Anhui, China
  • Received:2014-11-05 Revised:2015-01-08 Online:2015-12-30 Published:2015-12-29


冉 万 云   

  1. 中铁上海局第一工程有限公司,安徽 芜湖 241000
  • 作者简介:冉万云(1972—),男,重庆人,工程师,主要从事铁路隧道施工与管理工作。E-mail:389840001@qq.com。

Abstract: Based on the engineering practice of Tangshan railway tunnel through F4 fault adjacent to reservoir, the engineering geology and hydrogeology characteristics were discussed in detail. The tunnel construction control measures such as advanced geology prediction in water-rich fault condition, 3 m advanced pre-grouting of reinforcement zone, long pipe shed support as well as three-bench and four-step excavation method were proposed. Because the tunnel was adjacent to the reservoir, the waterproof measures should be strengthened in the construction process of secondary lining. Besides, the tunnel deformation and surface displacement caused by the construction in F4 fault fracture were monitored and analyzed in detail. The construction control scheme for passing through F4 fault was verified based on the tunnel deformation analysis. The research results indicate that the tunnel deformation is well controlled by the proposed construction scheme in the range of F4 fault zone and the later deformation is not apparent; and the proposed construction scheme is not used outside of F4 fault zone, and the short-term and later deformation of tunnel is larger with the influence of surrounding rock quality of fault zone and the double construction of imported inclined shaft. In 80 m range of passing-through section, the tunnel deformation should be monitored in time and taken with some suitable construction control measures.

Key words: tunnel engineering, F4 fault, construction;monitor

摘要: 以近水库穿越F4断层的汤山铁路隧道为背景,阐述了断层的工程地质及水文地质特征,提出了富水断层条件下超前地质预报、加固圈3 m超前预注浆、洞身长管棚及三台阶四步开挖方法相结合的隧道施工方案;因隧道近水库,二次衬砌施工中加强防水措施;对隧道穿越断层破碎带过程中隧道洞内变形和地表沉降进行了详细监测与分析,验证了隧道穿越F4断层施工控制方案的合理性。研究结果表明:断层破碎带影响范围内,该施工方案较好的控制了隧道变形,后期变形不明显;断层破碎带影响范围外,因未采用该施工方案,受断层破碎带围岩质量、进口斜井双重施工等因素的影响,隧道短期变形和长期变形均较大,在远离贯通断面80 m左右范围内,应加强监测,适当时辅以相应的施工控制措施。

关键词: 隧道工程, F4断层, 施工, 监测

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