
重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2012, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (2): 223-227.DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1674-0696.2012.02.13

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  1. 1. 重庆交通大学水利水运工程教育部重点实验室,重庆400074; 2. 水利部岩土力学与工程重点实验室重庆岩基研究中心,重庆400014; 3. 天津大学建筑工程学院,天津300072
  • 收稿日期:2011-06-27 修回日期:2011-08-01 出版日期:2012-04-15 发布日期:2014-10-31
  • 作者简介:刘洋( 1982 - ) ,男,河南南阳人,工程师,博士研究生,主要从事岩石力学试验方面的工作。E-mail: liuyang99132@yahoo. com. cn。
  • 基金资助:
    重庆市科技攻关项目( CSTC, 2009AC0003) | 重庆市教委科技项目( KJ100420)

Wavelet Analysis on Blasting Seismic Signals of Shilongshan Tunnel

Liu Yang1,2,Zhao Mingjie1,He Linlin3,Lin Junzhi1   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education on Hydraulic & Water Transport Engineering,Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074,China; 2. Key Laboratory of Geotechnical Mechanics & Engineering of the Ministry of Water Resources, Chongqing Rock Foundation Research Center,Chongqing 400074,China; 3. School of Civil Engineering & Architecture, Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China
  • Received:2011-06-27 Revised:2011-08-01 Online:2012-04-15 Published:2014-10-31

摘要: 采用db8 作为小波基函数,对石龙山隧道同一炮次下垂直向、水平切向和水平径向的原始爆破振动信号进行 尺度为7 的一维离散小波变化。通过MATLAB 程序分别计算了原始信号、各层小波的功率谱及能量比例| 详细分 析了各层小波的幅值特性、频谱特性及能量分布特性。研究结果表明: 垂直向、水平切向和水平径向的优势频率分 别为78. 125 ~ 2 500 Hz、39. 062 5 ~ 312. 5 Hz 和39. 062 5 ~ 625 Hz。该分析方法在频率及能量分析方面的优势可以 更加全面地获取爆破振动信号所带来的信息。

关键词: 石龙山隧道, 爆破振动信号, 小波分析, 频谱

Abstract: Using db8 as wavelet basis function,one-dimensional discrete wavelet transform on blasting seismic signals in vertical, horizontal tangential and horizontal radial directions under the same blasting of Shilongshan Tunnel is made within the scale of 7. The original signal,the layers of the wavelet power spectrum and the energy ratio are made by Matlab program. Then the amplitude,spectral characteristics and energy distribution characteristics of the layers of wavelet are analyzed in detail. The results show that the vertical,horizontal tangential and horizontal radial dominant frequency are 78. 125 ~ 2 500 Hz,39. 062 5 ~ 312. 5 Hz and 39. 062 5 ~ 625 Hz respectively. The advantages of this method in frequency and energy analysis can get more comprehensive access to the information caused by blasting vibration signals.

Key words: Shilongshan Tunnel, blasting seismic signals, wavelet analysis, frequency spectrum
