
重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (2): 17-20.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2016.02.05

• 桥梁与隧道工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


文 传 勇   

  1. (重庆市万州长江公路大桥管理处,重庆 404025)
  • 收稿日期:2014-10-12 修回日期:2015-02-25 出版日期:2016-04-25 发布日期:2016-04-25
  • 作者简介:文传勇(1973—),男,重庆万州人,工程师,主要从事大垮径桥梁管理及养护技术方面的研究。E-mail:aganx@163.com。

Finite Element Analysis of Ship Collision Force of Wanzhou Yangtze River Bridge

WEN Chuanyong   

  1. (Management Department of Wanzhou Yangtze River Bridge in Chongqing, Chongqing 404025, P. R. China)
  • Received:2014-10-12 Revised:2015-02-25 Online:2016-04-25 Published:2016-04-25

摘要: 随着三峡库区水位的提高,万州长江大桥拱圈存在船舶撞击的风险。结合万州长江河段航运情况,选择5种船型建立空间有限元仿真模型,对万州长江大桥桥墩、拱圈的船舶撞击作用进行了研究。结果表明:5 000 t船舶对大桥拱圈、桥墩的撞击力最大、作用时间最长,桥墩相对于拱圈受船舶撞击力的危害更严重;大桥拱圈、桥墩的极限侧抗力分别为2 000,350 t,库区175 m水位蓄水后,大桥拱圈、桥墩可承受极限撞击船舶吨位分别为1 094,115 t。

关键词: 桥梁工程, 船舶撞击力, 安全运营, 船撞风险, 有限元分析

Abstract: With the rising of water level at Three Gorges Reservoir Region, the arch ring of Wanzhou Yangtze River Bridge is in danger of ship impact. Based on the shipping condition of Wanzhou reach of Yangtze River, an analytical study on the ship impact on the piers and arch ring of the bridge was conducted by means of setting up spatial finite element model on five different types of ships. The result shows that 5 000 t ships exert the greater impact on the bridge piers and the arch ring for longer acting time with greater impact on the piers. The ultimate lateral resistance capacities of the piers and arch ring are respectively 2 000 t and 350 t.When the water level reaches 175 m in the reservoir area, the affordable ultimate ship impact on the arch ring and piers are respectively 1 094 t and 115 t.

Key words: bridge engineering, ship impact;safe operation;ship-bridge collision risk; finite element analysis
