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    2011年, 第30卷, 第S2期
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    Analysis of the Change in Groundwater System with Tunnel Excavation in Discontinuous Rock Mass
    Jung-Wook Park,Chung-In Lee
    2011, 30(S2): 1073-1079.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.001
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    In this study,a 2-D finite-element analysis,using the SEEP/W program,was carried out to estimate the amount of groundwater flowing into a tunnel,as well as the groundwater tables around wetland areas during and after tunnel excavation through rock mass. Four sites along the Wonhyo-tunnel in Cheonseong Mountain ( Gyeongnam,Korea) were analysed, where the model domain of the tunnel included both wetland and fault zones. The anisotropy of the hydraulic conductivities of the rock mass was calculated using the DFN model,which was then used as an input parameter into the continuum model. Parametric studies were performed on the influencing factors to minimize uncertainties in the hydraulic properties. Moreover, the volumetric water content and hydraulic conductivity functions were applied to the model to reflect the ability of a medium to store and transport water under both saturated and unsaturated conditions.
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    2011, 30(S2): 1080-1083.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.002
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    证明桥梁可能有的桥型只有9 种,然后从材料、结构分析、施工工艺、大跨度的推进、美学各方面叙述各种桥型 今后发展方向。
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    Risk and Probability Considerations in Design of Major Infrastructure Systems
    2011, 30(S2): 1084-1089.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.003
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    Significant uncertainties are invariably present in the design of major infrastructure systems such as long-span bridges and other critical systems. In this light,the safety and reliability of the built system cannot be ensured with certainty or complete confidence; there is some probability of non-performance or failure and,therefore,some measure of risk ( the product of the failure probability and its adverse consequence) . For practical purposes,uncertainties may be classified into two broad types-the data-based type ( known as aleatory) and the knowledge-based type ( known as epistemic) ; the former can be assessed through observed data,whereas the latter often requires judgments for its assessment. The thrust of the paper is to present the systematic analysis of the two distinct types of uncertainty and to generate the pertinent risk-informed information with suggestions for determining conservative ( i. e. ,risk-averse) safety levels for the design of major infrastructure systems. The approach is presented for the safe design of major infrastructure systems under seismic loading,and illustrated numerically with the evaluation of a cable-stayed bridge in Korea including its minimum life-cycle cost design.
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    2011, 30(S2): 1090-1092.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.004
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    造桥是一种艺术。一个艺术家的修养有不同的层次。一个工程师从学校里接受了许多不同的训练,使他们毕 业后可以开始参加桥梁设计的行列。在不断的努力下,渐渐提升,最后达到自成一家的大师境界。
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    Shield-Driven Tunneling in Japan
    Atsushi Koizumi
    2011, 30(S2): 1093-1098.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.005
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    The shield-driven tunneling method is widely applied for tunneling in soft ground all over the world. The background of the technological development in the shield-driven tunneling is described and the technological essences are explained in detail. The main issues of this method which will be faced in the future are also mentioned in the last chapter.
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    2011, 30(S2): 1099-1105.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.006
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    介绍一种全新的方法,能在合龙的劲性骨架上安全、经济、快捷地实施拱肋混凝土连续浇注,经几座特大跨径 的拱桥施工所验证,该技术成熟可靠,可以推广运用。
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    Underground Technology and Rock Engineering Program in Nanyang Technological University,Singapore
    2011, 30(S2): 1106-1112.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.007
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    This paper summarizes the research work recently carried out in the area of rock engineering and underground protective technology under the Underground Technology and Rock Engineering program in Nanyang Technological University,Singapore.
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    2011, 30(S2): 1113-1120.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.008
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    从国内外江、河、海底隧道的建设经验出发,根据长隧道及高速铁路隧道的设计、施工经验,论述了台湾海峡海 底隧道采用铁路隧道方案的合理性; 给出了台湾海峡海底隧道的断面形式、断面面积及洞门形式建议方案; 提出了 台湾海峡海底隧道选择施工方案要点; 介绍了国内江河海底隧道的建设情况; 重申审核工程修建好坏的理念,及修 建过江、过海隧道比桥梁的优点; 最后给出了修建海底水下隧道急需深入研究和解决的重大关键技术问题。
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    Overcoming the Logistical Constraints of Ultra-Long Undersea Tunnels
    Gareth Mainwaring
    2011, 30(S2): 1121-1126.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.009
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    The construction of any very long tunnel is benefited by the provision of staging points along its route,but this is not usually possible for undersea tunnels. For transportation tunnels,for railways or highways,the life safety and ventilation requirements for the permanent works,as well as the construction logistics,need to be considered. These constraints can be overcomed by using proven technology from another field of engineering,the off-shore structures that have been employed in the oil and gas industry. These major off-shore structures can be located in deep waters,and can provide intermediate staging points for tunnel construction which also provides the benefit of accelerating the overall construction programme. The paper discusses how these structures can be employed for the benefit of major undersea crossings that have been identified around the world,and particularly in China.
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    2011, 30(S2): 1127-1137.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.010
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    作为一个学术报告对以往研究成果做一个综述,内容包括有限元极限分析法原理、隧洞的破坏机理、隧洞深、浅埋分 界标准,无衬砌隧洞围岩的定量稳定性分析质以及有衬砌隧洞时隧洞初衬与二衬的设计计算方法,以供同行们参考。
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    Marine Concrete Structures
    2011, 30(S2): 1138-1145.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.011
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    When properly odesigned and built,the offshore concrete structures do a very good job for their owners,often in harsh environments like the North Sea or the Arctic. Most of these structures are serving the oil and gas industry. A skill has been developed for designing and building these severely loaded,heavily reinforced structures,including the skill of integrating design and construction properly,and understanding the importance of good construction management. There are numerous more ordinary concrete structures in the marine environment near the shore,such as docks and bridges,that have been erected over a period of more than a century. The experience gained from the design and construction of these structures may be utilized in new applications. In particular the application of traditional concrete platform technology to make ultra long subsea tunnels feasible is described. It is demonstrated that the technology is available and known; many of the elements required have been used before.
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    2011, 30(S2): 1146-1151.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.012
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    随着城市地下空间开发和利用向大跨度、多功能、深地下和立体交叉方向发展,对地下工程的设计施工提出了 越来越高的要求。通过对中国新建城市大跨度地下工程和欧美当代地下洞室工程的研究,分析国内外城市大跨度 地下工程的建设思路和特点,总结这些地下工程在勘察选址、设计和施工以及规划方面采用的方法和经验,对今后 地下工程的可持续发展具有重要的参考作用。
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    Fatigue Design Criteria for Welded Bridges in the U. S.
    John W.Fisher
    2011, 30(S2): 1152-1158.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.013
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    Fifty years ago,fatigue design was not considered a serious bridge performance issue in the US. Fatigue design utilized the concept of limiting the maximum stress at details by using the R-ratio of minimum/maximum stress and an assumption that the fatigue limit occurred at 2 million cycles. The HS-20 design truck was used for specific cycles based on the type of road and the average daily truck traffic ( ADTT) . Fatigue cracks were observed to develop in steel bridges in the late 1960’s and early 70’s. This development and the results of large scale beam tests on welded details that were carried out between 1967 and 1987 provided a statistically sound data base and established that stress range alone was the only statistical significant design stress. The fatigue provisions adopting stress range were changed by AASHTO in 1974. This meant that only the live load cyclic stress was important. The basic fatigue resistance curves provide a log normal lower bound design basis for fatigue life that is used world wide today. Experience with steel bridges also showed that a rule adopted after WWII which avoided welding to tension flanges,has resulted in extensive web gap cracking from out of plane distortions. During the last decade these small web gaps have resulted in unanticipated brittle fractures as a result of tri-axial stresses even in the absence of fatigue crack growth.
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    基于供应链的铁路工程项目质量管理体系研究 ——以京沪高铁济南黄河大桥为例
    2011, 30(S2): 1159-1164.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.014
    摘要 ( )   PDF(555KB) ( )  
    主要探讨基于供应链环境下的铁路工程项目质量管理体系。以京沪高铁济南黄河大桥工程项目为例,建立了 基于供应链的质量策划、质量保证、质量控制和质量评价体系。
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    The U. S. Experience with Developing and Implementing a Probability Based Limit States Bridge Specification
    2011, 30(S2): 1165-1184.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.015
    摘要 ( )   PDF(1024KB) ( )  
    Europe,Canada and the United States have been developing new probabilistic limit States Bridge Design Specifications, the Eurocode,the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code ( and the earlier Ontario Highway Bridge Design Code) and the AASHTO LRFD Specifications for Bridges ( AASHTO LRFD) . This paper summarizes the seven - year long process that led to the decision to develop the AASHTO LRFD,the objectives,and the draft review process culminating in adoption in 1993. It then describes the implementation and further development during the decade since,and presents an evolving plan to continue development of the limit states specifications for design and rating of bridges.
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    工程建设要贯彻安全理念与和谐地质- 生态环境
    2011, 30(S2): 1185-1187.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.016
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    通过对工程建设与环境之间利弊的分析,介绍了工程建设中,和谐地质- 生态环境与安全的理念。
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    2011, 30(S2): 1188-1191.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.017
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    提出了一种适用于跨径1500 m 左右斜拉桥的原创设计方案,即“部分地锚交叉索斜拉桥”,其主要特点是将 长索交叉并锚固于地锚,使长索不对主梁产生水平压力。研究表明该方案具有以下显著优势: 大幅度降低了斜拉索 引起的主梁水平压力; 交叉索有效提高了跨中区域的刚度; 由于交叉索提供了双重竖向支撑,水平力又相抵,因此长 索倾角可以适当减小,塔高可以降至L /5. 5 左右; 长拉索在跨中区域形成索网结构,有效改善了长索的气动性能。
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    2011, 30(S2): 1192-1196.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.018
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    跨中长期下挠和梁体开裂是大跨径混凝土梁桥的常见病害,病害的存在与发展导致桥梁维修养护费用的大幅 增加、破坏桥梁美观、严重影响交通和结构安全。采用体外预应力加固技术受力明确、安全,对抑制跨中下挠、控制 裂缝,能起到明显的作用。在分析病害特点及成因基础上,通过对两座主跨超过200 m 的刚构桥加固实践的总结, 提出了针对性措施和体外预应力体系使用建议,供同行参考。
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    重庆轨道交通硬岩掘进技术( TBM) 的应用研究
    2011, 30(S2): 1197-1202.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.019
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    介绍敞开式TBM 在重庆轨道交通6 号线1 期工程的成功应用,解决了TBM 施工选线、施工支护、下穿建筑物 掘进、小净距掘进及TBM 过站等一系列关键技术,实现了快速、安全、优质、环保的现代化施工理念。
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    2011, 30(S2): 1203-1211.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.020
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    厦漳跨海大桥工程的建设除了具有海湾大桥的特点外,还具有地震烈度大、气象条件较差、水文条件复杂、地 质条件恶劣、通航标准高等不利条件,给大桥设计带来较多的挑战。主要针对抗震、抗风和抗撞3 个方面的动力响 应问题,介绍厦漳跨海大桥工程动力问题在研究和设计中的应对措施。
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    2011, 30(S2): 1212-1216.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.021
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    结合浅埋暗挖隧道施工过程,在确定施工方法的前提下,对采用的不同支护措施引发地层的变形特征与运动 规律进行了数值模拟分析,研究了不同支护措施对浅埋暗挖隧道安全性的影响。分析表明: 各种支护措施均降低了 地层的下陷和地表的沉降,初期支护效应明显; 但如果单纯依靠超前支护或者依靠大幅度提高超前支护注浆材料强 度,来控制和降低洞室周围土体的地表沉降和横向影响范围,效果并不显著。
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    2011, 30(S2): 1217-1220.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.022
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    在收集相关文献资料的基础上,分析了水泥细度与组成对混凝土性能的影响,指出现行国家水泥标准与桥梁 结构混凝土性能要求方面的差异,初步建议了桥梁结构混凝土用水泥细度与组成成分参数指标。
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    2011, 30(S2): 1221-1223.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.023
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    对混凝土拱桥结构发展进行了简要的回顾,指出了今后的发展方向是应用高强与超高强材料与应用组合结 构。
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    高耐久性FRP 桥梁结构、构件的研究与实践
    2011, 30(S2): 1224-1232.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.024
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    介绍自主研发的高耐久性FRP 桥梁结构、构件的理论研究和工程实践初步成果,总结推出这种新结构、构件 的适用类型、合理结构形式和设计、施工关键技术,可为高耐久性桥梁结构、构件设计提供参考。
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    2011, 30(S2): 1233-1236.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.025
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    在桥梁设计、施工及服役中存在的问题基础上,对桥梁设计的重要性、桥梁设计理念更新与技术创新、桥梁精 细化设计与施工、桥梁使用管养等有关问题提出了看法与建议。
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    2011, 30(S2): 1237-1240.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.026
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    应用有限元法并采用等效黏- 弹性人工边界,对棚洞和隧道洞口段的施工过程进行了模拟,确定了隧道施工 完成后的静应力场,并进行了三维地震反应分析。计算中分别考虑了不同围岩级别以及棚洞与隧道洞口的不同联 接形式对地震反应的影响。计算结果表明: 棚洞的纵梁距离洞口越远,其内力越小,在棚洞与隧道洞口的联接处附 近,棚洞梁将产生较大的应力; 围岩的力学指标越高,棚洞结构的内力越小; 当棚洞结构横向一侧与围岩刚性联接 时,隧道洞口与棚洞纵向采用刚性联接比采用柔性联接更有利。
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    2011, 30(S2): 1241-1245.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.027
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    结合两种有限元软件的特点,模拟轨道交通双向预应力槽型梁的变形和受力分析。先通过Midas /Civil 分别 计算槽型梁在横向和纵向预应力作用下,钢束的预应力损失,利用虎克定律推算出相应的应变; 在ANSYS 中建立有 限元模型,以初始应变模拟预应力的作用,进行槽型梁在纵向、横向和双向预应力作用下受力与变形分析。
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    2011, 30(S2): 1246-1251.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.028
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    在总结常用的桥梁拆除方法、拆除边界条件及拆除基本原则的基础上,提出了一种新型的混凝土箱梁桥大节 段下放拆除方法; 全面阐述了该方法的概念、结构原理、工艺流程、设计关键技术及适应条件; 该方法兼技术具有先 进性和良好的经济性。
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    外倾式部分斜拉桥重庆嘉悦大桥 锚固结构试验及受力分析
    2011, 30(S2): 1252-1255.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.029
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    介绍了重庆嘉悦大桥的主梁结构特点,以及该桥的主梁节段空间应力仿真分析结果,并介绍了为验证计算结 果所做的主梁一节段1∶ 3 缩尺模型试验的研究情况。从理论和实践上探讨了PC 主梁部分斜拉桥采用特殊索梁锚 固结构的可行性,以及锚固结构在超大索力作用下的安全性,得到了一些对设计、施工有益的结论和建议。
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    2011, 30(S2): 1256-1260.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.030
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    采用有限元数值分析方法,模拟地铁深基坑开挖对邻近高压铁塔的影响,提出合理的基坑设计方案、铁塔加固 措施和施工方法。
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    2011, 30(S2): 1261-1264.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.031
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    采用人工控温模拟日照温差的方法对预应力混凝土箱梁模型进行了温度场及其效应的试验,摸索了预应力混 凝土箱梁在日照温差的长期作用下的下挠特性。
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