
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science) ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (02): 21-29.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2022.02.04

• Transportation+Big Data & Artificial Intelligence • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Railway Bulk Cargo Transport Network Structure and Flow Spatial Pattern in Yunnan Province

JI Xiaofeng1,2, KONG Lingshuai1,2, CHEN Fang2,3   

  1. (1. School of Traffic Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650504, Yunnan, China; 2. Yunnan Integrated Transport Development and Regional Logistics Management Think Tank, Kunming 650504, Yunnan, China; 3. School of Marxism, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650504, Yunnan, China)
  • Received:2020-11-16 Revised:2021-03-04 Published:2022-02-21

铁路大宗货物运输网络结构及流动空间格局 ——以云南省为例


  1. (1. 昆明理工大学 交通工程学院,云南 昆明 650504; 2. 云南综合交通发展与区域物流管理智库,云南 昆明 650504; 3. 昆明理工大学 马克思主义学院,云南 昆明 650504)
  • 作者简介:戢晓峰(1982—),男,湖北随州人,教授,博士,主要从事交通运输规划与管理方面的研究。E-mail:yiluxinshi@sina.com
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Railway bulk cargo transportation plays an important role in guaranteeing the strategic material circulation. Analyzing the structure and flow space pattern of railway bulk cargo transportation network can provide theoretical basis for industrial planning and logistics organization. Firstly, the railway bulk cargo transportation network model of Yunnan Province was constructed based on the complex network theory, by using railway cargo arrival and sending data; and the structural characteristics of the railway bulk cargo transportation network were extracted. The spatial analysis method was used to obtain the rail bulk transportation connection strength and flow pattern. The results indicate that: ①The density of railway bulk cargo transportation network in Yunnan Province is 0.05, and the average clustering coefficient is 0.308. The railway bulk cargo transportation network has significant characteristics of small world network. Railway bulk freight nodes obey the power rate distribution, show obvious cluster effect, and have the characteristics of scale-free network. Kunming, Qujing and Chuxiong have a high level of overall centrality, close cargo exchange between nodes and absolute dominance over the circulation of bulk goods. ②The overall freight scale of Yunnan railway bulk cargoes has significant spatial differences, and the freight transportation level of each node is seriously polarized, forming a freight network core with Kunming and Qujing as the main nodes, and bulk freight has high agglomeration. ③The Yunnan railway bulk freight network presents a spatial transportation connection pattern of “center-hinterland”, and the geographical proximity effect of freight connection is significant. It depends on the connection with the core node, which has a certain impact on the inter-provincial freight network structure. ④The Yunnan railway bulk freight network has obvious hub and spoke characteristics. There are great differences in the circulation scale and transportation accessibility of bulk goods at different nodes. The flow direction of goods also shows that the attraction and radiation force of the nodes are heterogeneous.

Key words: traffic and transportation engineering; rail transport; bulk cargo; complex network; spatial pattern; cargo connection strength

摘要: 铁路大宗货物运输在保障战略物资流通中发挥着主导作用,分析铁路大宗货物运输网络结构及其流动空间格局能够为产业规划与物流组织提供理论依据。利用铁路大宗货物到达和发送的数据,基于复杂网络理论构建了云南省铁路大宗货物运输网络模型,提取铁路大宗货物运输网络结构特征,并运用空间分析方法获取铁路大宗货物运输联系强度和流动格局。研究结果表明:①云南省铁路大宗货物运输网络密度为0.05,平均聚类系数为0.308,铁路大宗货运网络具有显著的小世界网络特性;铁路大宗货运节点服从幂率分布,呈现明显的集群效应,具有无标度网络特征。昆明、曲靖、楚雄的整体中心性水平较高,节点间货物交流较为密切,对大宗货物流通具有绝对主导权。②云南铁路大宗货物的整体货运规模空间分异显著,各节点货物运输水平两极分化严重,形成主要以昆明、曲靖的货运网络核心,大宗货运具有较高的集聚性。③云南铁路大宗货运网络呈现“中心-腹地”的空间运输联系格局,货运联系地理邻近效应显著,比较依存于与核心节点的连接,对省际货运网络结构具有一定的影响。④云南铁路大宗货运网络呈明显的轴辐式特征,不同节点大宗货物流通规模及运输通达性存在较大的差异,货物流向也表现出节点的吸引力和辐射力呈现非均质性。

关键词: 交通运输工程;铁路运输;大宗货物;复杂网络;空间格局;货物联系强度

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