
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science) ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (03): 72-78.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2022.03.11

• Transportation Infrastructure Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Stress and Deformation Behavior of Inclined Pile Group under Vertical Load

LI Longqi, ZHAO Haoqiu   

  1. (College of Environment and Civil Engineering, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, Sichuan, China)
  • Received:2020-06-19 Revised:2022-01-17 Published:2022-03-24



  1. (成都理工大学 环境与土木工程学院,四川 成都 610059)
  • 作者简介:李龙起(1986—),男,河南商丘人,副教授,博士,主要从事地质工程和岩土工程的教学和科研工作。E-mail:287820171@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The finite element software ABAQUS was used for numerical simulation and comparative verification of indoor model tests. Under the conditions of different inclination angles (0°, 5°, 8°, 12°) and different pile spacing (2.5d, 3.0d, 4.0d, 5.0d, 6.0d), the variation characteristics of the load-settlement (Q-S) curve, frictional resistance of pile side (q), vertical displacement (U) and bending moment (M) of pile body were analyzed under vertical graded loading of inclined and vertical pile groups. The results show that when the vertical load (Q) is small, the Q-S curve of inclined group piles shows a linear relationship, and gradually transforms from linear to nonlinear with the increase of Q value. The larger the Q value is, the more obvious the nonlinearity is. The relationship between q and Q is nonlinear; under the same Q value, the working performance of q of inclined pile foundation is different from that of vertical pile foundation. In the vertical pile foundation, there is Umiddle pile> Uside pile> Ucorner pile, and the vertical displacement difference gradually decreases with the increase of pile spacing (l). In the inclined pile foundation, when l is small, there is Uangle pile < Umiddle pile < Uside pile; when l is large, there is Uangle pile

Key words: highway engineering; geotechnical engineering; inclined pile foundation; pile spacing; inclination of pile body; pile top settlement; pile side friction

摘要: 用有限元软件ABAQUS对室内模型开展数值模拟并进行对比验证,研究了倾角α=0°、5°、8°、12°,桩间距l=2.5d、3.0d、4.0d、5.0d、6.0d时,倾斜、竖直群桩在竖直分级加载情况下的荷载-沉降(Q-S)曲线、桩侧摩阻力q、桩身竖直位移U及弯矩M变化特性。结果表明:当竖直荷载Q较小时,倾斜群桩的Q-S曲线呈现线性状态,并随着Q值的增大逐渐由线性向非线性转换,Q值越大,非线性表现越明显。桩侧摩阻力q与Q呈非线性关系;相同Q值下,倾斜桩基桩侧摩阻力q的工作性能不同于竖直桩基的。竖直桩基中,有U中桩>U边桩>U角桩,竖直位移差随着桩间距l的增大而减小;倾斜桩基中,当l较小时,有U角桩<U中桩<U边桩,当l较大时,有U角桩<U边桩<U中桩;竖直桩基与倾斜桩基的U值均随着Q的增大而增大。桩身弯矩最大值与倾角α无关,与桩间距l呈反比;当α较大时,桩身下部弯矩M趋近于0。

关键词: 道路工程;岩土工程;倾斜桩基;桩间距;桩身倾角;桩顶沉降;桩侧摩阻力

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