
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science) ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (10): 152-158.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2022.10.21

• Transportation Equipment • Previous Articles    

Analysis and Optimization of the Dynamic Performance of Outboard Guided APM Vehicles

DU Zixue, TUO Hongming, YANG Zhen   

  1. (School of Mechatronics and Vehicle Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China)
  • Received:2020-07-21 Revised:2021-11-17 Published:2022-10-31



  1. (重庆交通大学 机电与车辆工程学院,重庆 400074)
  • 作者简介:杜子学(1962—),男,河北邯郸人,教授,博士,博士生导师,主要从事轨道车辆工程方面的研究。E-mail:aaadzx@163.com 通信作者:庹洪铭(1996—),男(苗族),重庆人,硕士研究生,主要从事轨道车辆工程方面的研究。E-mail:tuohongmingyes@163.com

Abstract: The outboard guided APM vehicles with self-steering axle were optimized based on the analysis on the stress state of APM vehicles with two different steering modes when passing through the curve. The dynamic model was established according to the characteristics of vehicle structure, then the dynamic performance of APM vehicle and vehicle operation stability were optimized and analyzed. The analysis results show that the outboard guided APM vehicle has good curve trafficability, the tire force can meet the operation safety requirements, and the vehicle body side roll angle is 1.55°. The optimized vehicle has appropriate ride comfort, its ride comfort index increases with the increase of the speed, and the evaluation grade of lateral ride comfort is excellent. When the vehicle speed is less than 40km/h, the vertical stability evaluation grade is good. When the vehicle speed is 40-60km /h, the vertical stability evaluation grade is qualified; the side deflection force of running wheels is small, the guiding torque is moderate, and the wear performance is also good.

Key words: vehicle engineering; APM vehicle; outboard guided; kinetic performance; multi-objective optimization

摘要: 在分析两种不同导向方式的APM车辆通过曲线时受力状态的基础上,对采用外侧导向且带有自转向车桥的APM车辆进行优化。根据车辆结构特点建立了动力学模型,对APM车辆动力学性能及车辆运行平稳性进行了优化分析。分析结果表明:外侧导向式APM车辆具有良好的曲线通过性,轮胎受力能满足运行安全要求,车体侧滚角为1.55°;优化后车辆具有适宜的乘坐舒适性,其平稳性指标均随着车速加快而增大,横向平稳性评价等级均为优;当车速小于40 km/h时,垂向平稳性评价等级为良,车速在40~60 km/h时,垂向平稳性评价等级为合格;车辆走行轮的侧偏力较小、导向力矩适中,磨耗表现也较好。

关键词: 车辆工程;APM车辆;外侧导向式;动力学性能;多目标优化

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