
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science) ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (3): 61-65.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2016.03.14

• Port & Waterway · Hydraulic & Hydroelectric · Resources & Environment • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Potential Channel Dimensions Improvement of Dongxikou Channel in Yangtze River Upstream

CHEN Jian   

  1. (Changjiang Chongqing Harbour and Waterway Engineering Investigation and Design Institute, Chongqing 401147, P.R.China)
  • Received:2015-01-20 Revised:2015-04-02 Online:2016-06-20 Published:2016-06-20



  1. (长江重庆航运工程勘察设计院,重庆401147)
  • 作者简介:第一作者:陈建(1970—),男,四川眉山人,高级工程师,主要从事航道工程方面的研究。E-mail: 470458948@qq.com。

Abstract: Taking typical Dongxikou channel in Chongqing-Yibin reach as an example, the problem of potential improvement of channel was analyzed through analyzing the field data of Dongxikou channel. The possibility of improving the class of Dongxikou channel was analyzed through the estimation of its channel potentiality, the study on the mathematical model of preliminary renovation project and the analysis of external construction conditions. The research shows that the stable depth of Dongxikou channel can reach 4.39 m; heightening and lengthening the moraine tail dam of Miaojiaoqi and opening the north branch of Dongxikou is recommended program; and the most negative flow index for upper reach is 1.45‰*3.10m/s. The regulation results show that the waterway regulation project has no significant impact on the environment, water sources, the related facilities and other aspects, which is feasible to be implemented.

Key words: waterway engineering, Yangtze River upstream, Dongxikou channel, channel dimensions improvement, channel regulation

摘要: 以重庆至宜宾河段较为典型的东溪口水道为例,利用实测资料分析东溪口水道河段提升等级中存在的问题,通过对长江东溪口水道进行航道潜能估算、初步整治方案的数学模型研究和建设外部条件分析,分析该水道提升等级的可能性。研究表明:东溪口水道稳定航深可达到4.39 m;加高并延长庙角碛碛尾坝,开通东溪口北槽为推荐整治方案,其最不利上滩水流指标为1.45‰*3.10 m/s;整治效果显示航道整治工程对环境、水源地以及涉河设施等方面影响不大,具备建设条件。

关键词: 航道工程, 长江上游, 东溪口水道, 航道尺度提升, 航道整治

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