
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science) ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (01): 72-77.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.01.12

• Highway & Railway Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Rheological Property of Graphene Modified Asphalt and Its Burgers Rheological Model

LI Peng   

  1. (Henan Communications Investment Group Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450016, Henan, China)
  • Received:2018-10-08 Revised:2019-01-12 Online:2020-01-12 Published:2020-01-12



  1. (河南交通投资集团有限公司,河南 郑州450016)
  • 作者简介:李蓬(1976—),男,河南开封人,高级工程师,主要从事交通工程管理工作。E-mail:lipeng76@163.com。

Abstract: Asphalt is a kind of viscoelastic material. Under high temperature conditions, the elastic component of asphalt will gradually decrease, while the viscous component will gradually increase, which improves the fluidity of asphalt. When subjected to repeated loads, the structure of asphalt concrete will change and eventually lead to rutting and other diseases. Graphene is a kind of two-dimensional carbon material with excellent mechanical properties, which has a wide and important application prospect. Therefore, it was proposed to try to add graphene into asphalt to improve the composition change and flow state of asphalt at high temperature, so as to improve the rheological properties of asphalt concrete at high temperature. The results show that the addition of graphene improves the transient elasticity of the asphalt and reduces the viscous components therein, so that the modified asphalt has good flow and resistance to deformation throughout the frequency range. Under the high-temperature irradiation environment in summer, the asphalt concrete pavement with graphene still has good anti-rutting and other anti-deformation ability after repeated rolling, which can reduce the maintenance cost of asphalt pavement in the later period and effectively extend the road performance and service life of asphalt concrete.

Key words: highway engineering, graphene, modified bitumen, high-temperature rheological properties, Burgers model

摘要: 沥青是一种黏弹性材料,在高温条件下沥青的弹性成分会逐渐减少,而黏性成分却逐渐增加,提高了沥青的流动性,当受到反复载荷后沥青混凝土的结构会发生变化并最终导致车辙等病害的发生。石墨烯是一种具有优良力学特性的二维碳材料,有着广泛而重要的应用前景,因此拟尝试在沥青中掺加石墨烯,来改善沥青在高温时的组分变化和流动状态,从而提高沥青混凝土在高温时的流变性能。结果表明:石墨烯的加入提高了沥青的瞬时弹性,而降低了其中的黏性成分,使得改性沥青在整个频率范围内拥有良好的流动和抗变形能力。在夏季高温辐照环境下,掺加石墨烯的沥青混凝土路面经过载荷反复碾压后仍拥有良好的抗车辙等抗变形能力,可以减少后期沥青路面维护的成本,有效延长沥青混凝土的路用性能和服役寿命。

关键词: 道路工程, 石墨烯, 改性沥青, 高温流变性能, 博格斯模型

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