
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science) ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (01): 127-133.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2021.01.19

• Transportation Equipment • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Dynamic Modeling and Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller Design of Double Wishbone Suspension

ZHAO Qiang1, SUN Zheng2   

  1. (1. Traffic College, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, Heilongjiang, China; 2. School of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng 252059, Shandong, China)
  • Received:2020-03-02 Revised:2020-08-19 Online:2021-01-11 Published:2021-01-11
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  1. (1. 东北林业大学 交通学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨,150040; 2. 聊城大学 机械与汽车工程学院, 山东 聊城, 252059)
  • 作者简介:赵强(1971—),男,黑龙江富锦人,教授,博士,主要从事车辆动力学与控制方面的研究。E-mail:zhaoqiangmvp@163.com 通信作者:孙政(1995—),男,山东菏泽人,硕士,主要从事车辆动力学与控制方面的研究。E-mail:825429293@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In view of the low accuracy of the model caused by the direct use of suspension parameters in the traditional double-wishbone suspension modeling, which could not fully reflect the dynamic characteristics of the suspension, the mechanism dynamic modeling of the double-wishbone suspension was carried out, and the equivalent coefficients of the damping coefficient and spring stiffness of the suspension were calculated. In order to further optimize the control effect, the sliding mode controller with fuzzy gain control switch was designed, which took the ideal canopy damping system as a reference model, the error dynamic equation between actual controlled system and reference model as the control object of fuzzy sliding mode controller. In order to reduce the chattering in the sliding mode control, the switch gain K (t) was fuzzified and verified by Matlab/ Simulink simulation and compared with PID and passive suspension. The research results show that the fuzzy sliding mode controller can effectively reduce the acceleration of the vehicle body and improve the ride comfort of the vehicle.


Key words: vehicle engineering, double wishbone suspension, dynamic modeling, skyhook-based reference model, fuzzy sliding mode control

摘要: 针对传统双横臂悬架建模时直接使用悬架参数,所引起的模型准确率低不能完整反应悬架动态特性的问题,对双横臂悬架进行了机构动力学建模,计算了悬架阻尼系数和弹簧刚度的等效系数。为进一步优化控制效果,设计了带模糊切换增益调节的滑模控制器,把理想的天棚阻尼系统作为参考模型,将实际被控系统与参考模型之间的误差动力学方程作为模糊滑模控制器的控制对象,为了降低滑模控制中的抖振,对切换增益K(t)进行模糊化处理,通过MATLAB/simulink仿真验证并与PID、被动悬架进行对比。研究结果表明:模糊滑模控制器能有效降低车身的加速度,提高车辆的平顺性。

关键词: 车辆工程, 双横臂悬架, 动力学建模, 天棚参考模型, 模糊滑模控制

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