
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science) ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (8): 6-11.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2017.08.02

• Bridge & Tunnel Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Temperature Effect of Cable-Stayed Bridge with Single Inclined Pylon with Different Side-Anchor Styles

WANG Gaosi   

  1. (Road & Bridge East China Engineering CO.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201203,P.R.China)
  • Received:2016-06-03 Revised:2016-08-03 Online:2017-08-14 Published:2020-07-10


汪 高 斯   

  1. (中交路桥华东工程有限公司,上海 201203)
  • 作者简介:汪高斯(1985—),男,湖南长沙人,工程师,主要从事桥梁施工和设计方面的工作。E-mail:173451620@qq.com。

Abstract: In order to explore the influence of different side-anchor forms on the temperature effect of single inclined pylon cable-stayed bridge,the earth-anchored and self-anchored single inclined pylon cable-stayed bridges were selected and studied by finite element method.The condition of the maximum cantilever during the construction and the effect of integral temperature,temperature gradient and temperature difference among the cable,beam and pylon at operation stage were analyzed.Research shows that:regardless of construction and operation stages,the temperature deformation of earth-anchored single inclined pylon cable-stayed bridge is bigger than that of self-anchored one.Different side-anchor styles have larger influence on the integral temperature stress and have no influence on the temperature gradient stress.The influence on temperature deformation at the maximum cantilever state is greater than that at operation stage,while the stress is on the contrary.At the operation stage,the girder stress caused by temperature difference among the cable,beam and pylon is larger than that at the maximum cantilever state.

Key words: bridge engineering, cable-stayed bridge, style of side-anchor, temperature, earth-anchored, self-anchored

摘要: 为探究不同边锚形式对独斜塔斜拉桥温度效应的影响,选取地锚式和自锚式独斜塔斜拉桥,利用有限元方法进行研究。分析了施工阶段最大悬臂状态和运营状态下整体温度、梯度温度和索-梁塔温度差效应。研究表明:无论施工还是运营阶段,地锚式独斜塔斜拉桥温度总变形均大于自锚式;不同边锚形式对整体温度应力影响较大,对温度梯度应力无影响;对最大悬臂状态各温度变形的影响均大于运营阶段,而应力正好相反;运营状态下索-梁塔温度差引起的主梁应力较最大悬臂状态大。

关键词: 桥梁工程, 斜拉桥, 边锚形式, 温度, 地锚式, 自锚式

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