
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science) ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (05): 77-83.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2018.05.14

• Traffic & Transportation Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Optimization of Cooperative Passenger Flow Control in Urban Rail Transit Network

PAN Hanchuan, LIU Zhigang, ZOU Chengliang, CHEN Yingbin   

  1. (College of Urban Rail Transit, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 200602, P. R. China)
  • Received:2016-09-06 Revised:2016-12-20 Online:2018-05-15 Published:2018-05-15



  1. (上海工程技术大学 城市轨道交通学院,上海 200602)
  • 作者简介:潘寒川(1986—),男,安徽青阳人,讲师,博士,主要从事轨道交通运输组织方面的研究。E-mail:panhanchuan@sues.edu.cn。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Passengers left-behind and waiting on the platform is a major security problem faced by operational company in peak hours. Considering the limited promotion space of transport capacity, the safety management measures for passenger flow control of the related stations were put forward. Firstly, the characteristics of rail traffic flow and its congestion propagation rule were analyzed; secondly, under the conditions of security constraints, the optimization model of cooperative passenger flow control was established, with the objective to minimize the number of the affected passengers; thirdly, the solution method based on genetic algorithm was designed; finally, the case study was carried out in an actual network, which verified the effectiveness of the proposed model and algorithm.

Key words: traffic engineering, urban rail transit, passenger flow control, mass passenger flow, cooperative control

摘要: 轨道交通高峰时段乘客滞留站台已经是运营管理部门面临的重大安全问题,考虑到目前运能提高空间较小,提出了对相关车站进行客流控制的安全管理措施。通过分析轨道交通客流特 征及其拥堵传播规律;在满足安全约束条件下,基于受影响乘客数最少为目标构建路网协调客流控制优化模型;并设计了基于遗传算法的求解方法;最后以实际路网为背景进行了案例分析, 验证了该模型和算法的有效性。

关键词: 交通工程, 城市轨道交通, 客流控制, 大客流, 协调控制

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