

    15 February 2014, Volume 33 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Robustness Design of Bridges Collapse Resistance
    Chen Baochun , Huang Jizhuo , Yu Yingen
    2014, 33(1): 1-7.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.01
    Abstract ( )   PDF (601KB) ( )  
    The artificial causes of bridge failures were analyzed considering designers' cognitive levels and responsibilities. Through analyzing the existing bridge accidents , a series of design suggestions were presented in tenns of structural systems and construction measures to improve the collapse-resistant capacity and the structural robustness of bridges. The proposed suggestions are practical for improving the capability to resist bridge collapse and strengthening the structural safety awareness of designer.
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    Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study for Vibration of Simple Cable Network with Shape Memory Alloy Cross-Tie
    Zhou Haijun , Chen Chaojun , Yang Xia , Lin Beichun
    2014, 33(1): 8-11.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.02
    Abstract ( )   PDF (268KB) ( )  
    The simple cable netwo1'k model with a shape memory alloy (SMA) cross-tie was established by Finite Element Method (FEM). And the model was composed of two parallel cables and a SMA cross-tie. The modal damping ratio was calculated from the simulated free vib1'ation time curves of the simplified cable network and the vibration of the cable network was analyzed. The different damping effects between SMA cross> tie and common steel cross-tie were studied. The results show that the damping effect of SMA cross-tie is betle1' than common steel cross-tie. It is found that the numerical simulation results are in good acco1'dance with the modal test results.
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    Bonding Performance of Expansion Joints Interface for Continuous Bridge
    Tang Gu' nan , Li Lihan
    2014, 33(1): 12-16.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.03
    Abstract ( )   PDF (448KB) ( )  
    The mechanical characteristic of continuous bridge expansion joints interface under traffic loads and temperature contraction were studied by finite element analysis and the causes for de-bonding of continuous bridge expansion joints interface were discussed. The influences of joint material modulus , pavement thickness , width and the interfacial contact conditions on the interfacial bonding performance were then analyzed. The results shows that when the temperature contraction deformation is relative large , the tensile stress caused by temperature contraction has greater influence on the interfacial bonding performance than the shear stress caused by traffic loads; when the temperature contraction defo口nation is relative small , the tensile stress has less influence on the interfacial bonding performance than the shear stress does. It is concluded that increasing the joint material modulus and width , reducing the pavement thickness and coefficients of interfacial friction are provided to improve the bonding performance of expansion joints interface
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    Critical Load of Combined Pier for Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge
    Zhou Shuixingl , Man Zelian ,Zhou Guangqiang , Li Yinbin
    2014, 33(1): 17-20.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.04
    Abstract ( )   PDF (354KB) ( )  
    According to Rayleigh-Ritz method in the theory of elastic stability , the formula for the out-of-plane instability criticalload during cantilever construction stage was derived for the combination of f1exible twin thin-wall piers and singlepier in continuous rigid frame bridge. A case study was presented to discuss the impacts of cutoff position in f1exible twin piers and single-pier on the critical load and buckling mode. The formula relating the elastic stability coe征icient for combined pier including its self-weight was then introduced. And the recommended value for the cutoff position between double thin-wall piers and single-pier was also provided.
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    Control Method of Stress-Free Status in Transition Process of Structural System for Self-Anchored Suspension Bridge
    Niu Denghui , Zhou Zhixiang , Wu Haijun , Wang Shaomi
    2014, 33(1): 21-24.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.05
    Abstract ( )   PDF (307KB) ( )  
    In order to determine the tension and tensioning procedure in the transition process for self-anchored suspension bridge , a calculation method for the hanger tensile force in this process was proposed. It is the cooling method of adjusting the hanger stress-free length. Since there are some disadvantages in the regressive analysis method and traditional unstressed state control method , the cooling method of adjusting hanger stress-free length was presented based on traditional unstressed state control method. It is simple and has a high accuracy in the calculation of the hanger tensile force for self-anchored suspension bridge
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    Wavelet Analysis on Vibrational Frequency Band Energy of Beam Bridge under Near Blasting
    Liu Dayang , Huang Fuwei , Liu Yiuling , Liu Bo , Xia Chao
    2014, 33(1): 25-27.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.06
    Abstract ( )   PDF (311KB) ( )  
    Near blasting cause the vibration of continuous beam bridge. The inf1uence of explosion vibration on the bridge was evaluated which was helpful for the anti-explosion design of bridge. The vibration original signal was decomposed and reconstructed by the db8 wavelet basis based on the wavelet transform method. And the energy distribution of blasting vibration in each band was calculated. Based on the blast monitoring project under construction for South Branch Approach Bridge of Xia-Zhang Sea-Crossing Bridge , the space dynamic model of bridge was established and the modal was also analyzed to calculate the Hjh natural frequency. Signals related total 23 blasting were all processed by wavelet analysis. The results show that the main shock frequency band of the blasting vibration signal is in 15. 625 -62. 5 Hz , and the energy proportion in the first 9th natural vibration frequency band of the bridge is less than 5% of the overall energy.
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    Optimal Thickness of Reinforcement Layer for Stone Arch Bridge Using Optimization Method
    Tang Shijiao , Zhou Jianting , Sun Yisheng , Fan Ganlu , Zhong Heng
    2014, 33(1): 28-30.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.07
    Abstract ( )   PDF (307KB) ( )  
    The optimal thickness selection of reinforcement layer for section enlargement method in stone arch bridge was discussed by using optimization method. Considering the coordination deformation characteristics of reinforcement layer and the main structure , the optimal thickness of reinforcement layer was determined by optimization method. According to the method , the optimal thicknesses of reinforcement layer for different bridge span were also provided. And the function of reinforcement layer thickness and arch bridge span was estab!ished by statistical principle. This method can determine the optimal reinforcement layer thickness quickly and accurately. It is helpful for the trial and checking of section enlargement method in stone arch bridge reinforcement.
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    Nonlinear FE Modeling and Parametric Analysis on Flexural Strengthened Hollowed Core Slab with FRP
    Chen Zhijun,Cao Hongyou,Nie Lili,Zhu Hongping
    2014, 33(1): 31-35.  DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.08
    Abstract ( )   PDF (473KB) ( )  
    In the analysis of the flexural strengthened hollowed core slab with Fiber Reinforced Polymer ( FRP) ,with the nonlinear of the concrete and steel constitutive model,the bearing-capacity of strengthened structure was simulated by using nonlinear finite element analysis based on the behaviors of the bonded interface between FRP and concrete. The results indicate that the bearing-capacity and ductility of the strengthened beam have a substantial increase and the simulation results are obvious larger than these calculated by the current specifications. And four factors,including the strength of the concrete, axial stiffness of the FRP,the usage of the FRP and secondary load,were used to investigate the strengthening effect of FRP. It shows that the concrete strength and axial stiffness of the FRP has a great influence on the strengthening effect. The usage of the FRP has an optimal value,and when the FRP usage exceeds this optimal value,the mechanical performance of the structure has no obvious improvement after strengthening. When the main damage form of the structure are the rebar yield and concrete crush,the secondary force has large influence on the strain of the rebar and FRP,but smaller influence on the ultimate load-bearing capacity of the overall structure.
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    Inf1uence of Metro Shield Tunnel Construction on Ground Disturbance
    Fang Yong , Yang Bin , Yang Zhihao , Fu Yapeng
    2014, 33(1): 36-41.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.09
    Abstract ( )   PDF (417KB) ( )  
    Construction of shield tunnel will inevitably disturb the sUITounding ground. Construction parameters of shield tunnel were important factors which induced the ground disturbance. These parameters included support pressure in the face , 0- ver excavation of shield machine , grouting pressure and time in the tail etc. By the numerical simulation of the shield tunnel driving process , the influence of shield tunnel construction parameters on ground surface settlement and the load of the tunnel and segment intemal force were studied. Results indicate that support pressure in the excavation section is the main factor that affects the ground movement ahead of shield machine. Over excavation , grouting pressure and time in the tail have great influence on the ground movement , the extemal loading and the intemal force distribution of the tunnel and segment lining structure. The results also show that when the construction parameters are controlled in a reasonable range , the disturbance induced by shield tunnel construction , ground settlement and segment intemal force can be effectively decreased.
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    Location Design Using Extension Decision Method
    Zhou Yiliang , Yao Lingkan , Tang Chao
    2014, 33(1): 42-46.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.10
    Abstract ( )   PDF (406KB) ( )  
    Scheme comparison is widely used in the optimallocation design and optimal scheme is the core of successful design. But it is just hased on designer' s experience at present. Extenics is the extensive possibility of things and the rules and it is the method of exploitation and innovation with formalized model. This paper introduced the concept of matter-element and summarized the framework of extenics to resolve contradictory problems , and provided the principle of each method. Two case studies were performed to discuss the specific application and formal description of extenics in resolving the incompatible and opposite problems. The cases were related to the schedule control for the long tunnel along valley hy composition chain method and the environment protection for line passing through forest by transforming bridge method. According to the process of railway location design , the recommended extenics methods for different phases were then presented.
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    Dynamic Response of Semi-Rigid Base Asphalt Pavement
    Huang Bing , Zhou Zherlgfeng , Jia Hongcai, Li Baoxian
    2014, 33(1): 47-51.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.11
    Abstract ( )   PDF (428KB) ( )  
    Based on finite element software ABAQUS , 3D finite element model was established to analyze the dynamic response of the typical semi-rigid base asphalt pavement. The influences of pavement material damping , the dynamic load parameters and the contact condition between layers on the dynamic response were also analyzed in detail. The results indicate 出at the mechanical response of asphalt pavement under dynamic load appears to be vibrating and attenuating with time , and it is not significantly affected by the material damping. The surface deflection decreases apparently , and the bending stress at the bottom of base layer and subbase layer increases slightly with the load period shortening. The peak values of the dynamic response variables and the axle load ampl山de almost increase linearly with the increase ofaxle load weight. The peak value of the surface deflection increases linearly with the increase of the number of vehicle axles , and the bending stress at the bottom of base layer and subbase layer induced by triple axles is greatest , followed by single axle , double axles. The surface deflection and bending stress at the bottom of base layer are obviously affected by the contact condition between base layer and surface layer or subbase layer , and the bending stress at the bottom of subbase layer is significantly affected by the contact condition between base layer and surface layer.
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    Main Performances of Recycled Aggregate Concrete in Pavement Construction
    Sun Jishu , Dou Yuanming , Liu Xiyuan
    2014, 33(1): 52-54.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.12
    Abstract ( )   PDF (328KB) ( )  
    Through systemic experiments , the main technica1 indexes of the app1ication of recycled aggregate concrete product from waste cement pavement in pavement construction were presented , which included compressive strength , f1exural strength and wear resistance. And their changing 1aws with raw material and mix ratio were then studied. The effects of f1y ash on wear resistant abi1ity of recycled aggregate concrete were a1so ana1yzed. The results indicate that the content of recy- , cled aggregate concrete obtained from the fracture of old pavement slab has significant effect on the performances of recycled aggregate concrete , including compressive strength , f1exura1 strength and wear resistance. Compared with the same mix ratio of the new aggregate concrete , the compressive strength and f1exura1 strength of recycled aggregate concrete in 28 days age decrease by 5.3% - 23.3% and 6.4% -19.6% respective1y , and the unit abrasion 10ss increases by 3.8% - 25.85%. Mixed with the optimal amount of f1y ash can improve the wear resistant abi1ity of recycled concrete. The main technica1 properties of the recycled aggregate concrete conform to the current specification and the recycled aggregate concrete can be used in the new pavement construction.
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    Compression Strength of Stabilized Gravel in Cement Strengthened with Polyester Fiber
    Hou Zhaojun,Feng Liqun,Li Linping
    2014, 33(1): 55-59.  DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.13
    Abstract ( )   PDF (363KB) ( )  
    By choosing three types of polyester fibers in different length,the orthogonal experiment was performed to study the influence of three different volumes,lengths and curing ages on the 7 days and 28 days unconfined compression strength of stabilized gravel with polyester fibers. The results show that the unconfined compression strength increases with the increasing of mixing amount of fiber and decreases with the increasing of polyester fiber length. The strength of stabilized gravel mainly forms in the early 7 days and tardily increases during 7 to 28 days.
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    Numerical Simulation for Reinforcement Effect of Highway Soft Foundation
    Zhao Liang , Wang Changxian , Wang Junjie
    2014, 33(1): 60-63.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.14
    Abstract ( )   PDF (301KB) ( )  
    Based on the foundation condition associated with Zunyi to Bijie section , HangRui highway in Guizhou Province , China , three foundation treatments including gravel pile reinforcement , cement fly-ash gravel (CFG) pile reinforcement , and gravel pile combined with CFG pile reinforcement , were studied by finite element software PLAXIS. The simulation models were developed to compute the displacement and the stress of pile-soil. And the reinforcement effect and economic benefit of these three treatments were then compared. The results indicate that the maximum vertical displacements are O. 569 m for gravel pile , 0.056 m for gravel pile combined with CFG pile and O. 035 m for CFG pile. The maximum horizontal displacements are O. 317 m, 0.069 m and 0.054 m, respectively. And the costs are 11216.08 RMB , 9776.08 RMB and 8480.27 RMB , respectively. It indicates that the CFG pile performs best , but the gravel pile combined with CFG pile is the most econonllC
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    Experimental Study of Weathered Sand on Mechanic Index of Modified Expansive Soil
    Yang Jun,Tong Lei,Zhang Guodong,Tang Yunwei,Liang Yong
    2014, 33(1): 64-69.  DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.15
    Abstract ( )   PDF (469KB) ( )  
    California Bearing Ratio ( CBR) laboratory test,resilient modulus test and shear strength test were conducted to analyze the influence of initial water content and sand ratio on the properties of expansive soil. It is indicates that in the same sand mixing ratio,CBR value increases with the increasing of mixing ratio. And the amplification of CBR value has a largest increase when the sand ratio changes from 30% to 40%. The sticky poly force decreases with the increasing of sand mixing ratio. The interior friction angle and the resilient modulus increases and then decreases when the sand mixing ratio increases. When the sand mixing ratio is over 10%,the resilient modulus rapidly decreases. Based on the influence of various strength indexes,the initial water content and the sand mixing ratio is suggested to adjust according to the actual engineering in the subgrade design and construction.
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    Layout of Upstream Approach Channel and Navigation Condition for Baishiyao Water Conservancy in Beijiang River
    Yang Wenhao , Fei Xiaoxin , Zhang Xujin
    2014, 33(1): 70-74.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.16
    Abstract ( )   PDF (360KB) ( )  
    The proposed two line 10ck of 8aishiyao water conservancy is important navigation architecture in the midd1e and 10wer reaches of 8eijiang River and the flow conditions at that entrance area is comp1ex. In order to ensure the two-line ship 10ck port gate area to be conducive to the smooth navigation of good water conditions , the overall fixed-bed physica1 mode1 was established. And in the intended reservoir operation mode , the influence of the right guide wall 1ength and arrangement of the approach channe1 on the flow conditions was a1so analyzed. It is found that the modified project IV (the right guide wall 1ength 392. 5m) performs best; since there is static water in its approach channe1 and water condition is good at the entrance area. Then project IV is recommended to be the optimal p1an
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    Annulus Flow Field Characteristics of the Barreled Material Pipe Hydraulic Transportation
    Zhang Xuelan , Sun Xihuan , Li Y ongye
    2014, 33(1): 75-78.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.17
    Abstract ( )   PDF (272KB) ( )  
    The piped carriage conveying processes of the barreled material pipeline hydraulic transportation were studied from the perspective of the flow field. Vehicle body annulus flow field characteristics were analyzed by testing run of the vehicle under controlled conditions of flow from 30m3/ h to 70m3/ h.The vehicle' s length was 1oomm, the diameter was 60mm , and the load was 750g. It is concluded that annulus flow field around the vehicle body is in a turbulent state. The sectional pressure , axial velocity and circumferential velocity all present a generally increasing with the increase of growing flow rate. With the same condition of flow volume , the axial velocity values in the middle section of vehicle near moving carriage wall are higher and the one near the stationary duct wall are lower. It evenly distributes better in middle section than in the front and back sections along the carriage. In each flow conditions , the sectional circumferential velocity distribution shows obvious unevenness. Uniformity of the axial velocity profile distribution gets better with the increase of flow volume
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    刘翠容,杜 翠
    2014, 33(1): 79-84.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.17
    Abstract ( )   PDF (406KB) ( )  
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    Experimental Study on Impacting Characteristics of Debris Flow Heads
    He Xiaoying , Chen Hongkai , Tang Hongmei , Zhu Xiuzhu
    2014, 33(1): 85-89.  DOI: 10.3969/j.>ssn.1674-0696.2014.01.19
    Abstract ( )   PDF (354KB) ( )  
    In analyzing the condition of Pingchuan debtis flow , the physical experimental model was established to analyze the impacting characteristics of debris flow heads. 85 groups impacting tests were can'ied out , with the compounding of 5 slurry viscosities , 5 solid phase ratios and 4 grain diameters , to discuss the impacting characteristics of debris flow heads. The results show that the effect of debris flow heads is decrease with the increase of the slurry viscosity , and when the viscosity is equal or more than O. 72 Pa . s , the debris flow heads disappear.Tle impacting time of debtis flow heads reduces with the increase of slurry viscosity and solid phase ratio , and when the slurry viscosity are 0 ,0. 13 ,and 0.37 Pa' s , the mean impacting time partly be 7.4 , 2. 6 , and 1. 6 s correspondingly. Tle impacting peak value of the debtis flow head is the peak value of the whole impacting value of debris flow when the slurry viscosity and solid phase ratio is low. And when they increase , the peak value of the head is no longer the peak value of the whole process. According to the expetimental and imame data , the configuration of debris flow can be classified into three type including high speed-high intensity heads configuration, transitional type heads configuration, and low speed-low intensity heads configuration.
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    Structure of Combined Anti-Sliding Piles ?ased on Pile-Soil Interaction
    Wang Yu , Chai Hejun , Wu Zusong , Liu Li ,Wang Xiaodong
    2014, 33(1): 90-93.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.20
    Abstract ( )   PDF (307KB) ( )  
    Aiming at the deficiencies of current portal anti-sliding piles , a new plane finite element model considering the pile-soil interaction was proposed based on the current model of calculating double-row piles. In this model , rings were used to simulate the influence of the loading soil and the touch elements were used to simulate the displacement between pile and soil in the anchored section. The part of soil between double-row piles was regarded as a thin compressible layer to optimize the stress distribution of the pile-soil. A case study relating the slide supporting engineering project in Three Gorges Reservoir was conducted for the model validation. And it shows that the proposed analysis mode and calculation model are reasonable and reliable.
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    Theor.etical and Experimental Investigation on S-Wave Propagation of Soil-Stone Medium
    Wang Qingfeng , Peng Junjie , Liu Changfa
    2014, 33(1): 94-97.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.21
    Abstract ( )   PDF (344KB) ( )  
    Based on elastic wave theory of multiphase and its computational model , the correlation of the dry density , the porosity , the debris proportion and the S-wave velocity were discussed by the computer programming and mathematical statistics technology. The result shows that rock and soil S-wave is effective and reliable
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    Review on Field Observation Technologies for Fluid Mud
    Ju Yao , Gao Min, Wang Yuanye, Wang Zhongyin
    2014, 33(1): 98-102.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.22
    Abstract ( )   PDF (482KB) ( )  
    Fluid mud often appeared in harbor basins and navigation channels in muddy coast areas and caused the shoaling of navigable depth , which affected the judgment of nautical depth and might cause serious results such as ship grounding. The problem of fluid mud resulted in field observation and the progressing of observation technology made it possible to accurately acquire the key properties of the fluid mud including thickness , rheological properties and density. It provided an essential support to analyze the source , composition , movement characteristics and formation mechanism of fluid mud. And different field observation technologies for fluid mud were classified and introduced. The advantages and disadvantages were then briefly analyzed. The SILAS system represents the developing trend of fluid mud observation because of it' s visual and reliable data , which is essential to navigable depth study.
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    MuIti-Interactive Learning for Intersection' s TSCA ?ased on Game Theory
    Xia Xinhai
    2014, 33(1): 103-105.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.23
    Abstract ( )   PDF (215KB) ( )  
    According to the mutual relevance between traffic flow and intersections , multi-interaction mathematical model fol' intersection' s Traffic Signal Control Agent (TSCA) was established based on game theory , and the game interactive process for two adjacent intersection' s TSCA was then analyzed. A multi-interactive learning algorithm of the intersection' s TSCA was presented. A case study was then performed to verify the effectiveness and convergence of this method.
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    Improved Dynamic Road Impedance Function Based on Traffic Wave Theory
    Song Bowen , Zhang Junyou , Li Qingyin , Liu Qi
    2014, 33(1): 106-110.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.24
    Abstract ( )   PDF (346KB) ( )  
    Based on the goodness-of-fit between dynamic road resistance function in dynamic traffic assignment and the current situation of the actual vehicle travel time , the original traffic wave model was improved by the relationship model relating road Greenshield speed-density. And the improved dynamic road resistance function was then established to adapt the dynamic traffic assignment. A case study was performed to validate this function by TransModeler simulation The results show that the improved function is practicable. The calculated value of the improved dynamic road impedance function is closer to the simulation results compared with the original function.
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    Influence Factors of Accident Severity for Urban Road
    Ma Zhu , Chen Yuren, Zhang Lanfang
    2014, 33(1): 111-114.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.25
    Abstract ( )   PDF (309KB) ( )  
    According to the statistical data of Urumqi in recent 5 years , there were two categories for accident severity , including serious accidents and non-serious accidents. The accident severity was selected as the dependent variable and thirteen factors were selected as the candidate independent variables. The significant correlation between dependent variable and independent variables was analyzed by the combined stepwise method to obtain the most correlated factor group. The analysis model of accident severity was established based on Logistic model. And the model parameters were evaluated to obtain the most correlated factors that exerted significant influence on urban road accident severity. Then the model reliability was analyzed. It provides the basis for reducing the severity of traffic accidents
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    Coupling of Highway Opened Service Area and Regional Social Economy
    Lan Beizhang ,Kuang Xidong ,Fu Jianfeng ,Gao Jianping
    2014, 33(1): 115-118.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.26
    Abstract ( )   PDF (303KB) ( )  
    Highway opened service area is essential to regional social economy development. The coupling of those two is crucial to evaluate the sustainable development level of open service area and its promotion effects. A set of indicators and criterions for the coupling of highway opened service area and regional social economy development was presented. And the coupling development model was also established based on the coupling function. A case study involving the construction of Cheng De Nan freeway service area was then conducted.
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    Simulation Platform of Urban Traffic Organization and Management and Its Application: A Case Study of Beijing
    Ru Huasuo , He Liangjun , Peng Depin
    2014, 33(1): 119-124.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.27
    Abstract ( )   PDF (467KB) ( )  
    The urban traffic organization and management simu1ation p1atform is the key sub - system of the intelligent transportation systems (ITS). A case study referring the construction of Urban Traffic Management Simu1ation P1atform of Beijing Province , China , was performed to present the framework , design and imp1ementation of system. It provides the operating termina1s and simu1ation too1s for the department of highway management. It is usefu1 for the traffic organization and optimization in road network and the key intersections. It can scientifical1y eva1uate the traffic contro1 scheme , the impact of road construction , and the traffic capacity in road network. And it is he1pfu1 to realize macro regiona1 road network ana1ysis and microscopic eva1uation of important road node. The traffic organization and management simu1ation p1atform provides techni ta1 support to enhance the traffic organization , and it is the scientific basis for 1eadership' s decisions.
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    Relationship between Spot Freight Market and Time Charter Rate in Capesize Market ?ased on VEC Model
    Jin Ming , Hu Hao , Jia Dashan
    2014, 33(1): 125-128.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.28
    Abstract ( )   PDF (298KB) ( )  
    In order to analyze the relationship between spot freight markets , short run time charter rate and long run charter rate in capsize market , a VEC model was established based on the panel data from 2001 to 2012. Empirical study indicates that there is co-integration relationship between the three time series mentioned above; spot freight market has significant inf1uence on the charter rate in no more than 3 years; short run and long run charter rates are interactive. It is valid to forecast long run charter rate based on the information of short run.
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    Compilation of Liner Shipping Schedule under Low-Carbon Economy
    Xu Huan , Liu Wei , Liu Junyi
    2014, 33(1): 129-132.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.29
    Abstract ( )   PDF (389KB) ( )  
    The development of low-carbon economy will inevitably bring challenges to the shipbuilding industry , shipping industry and other related industries in the aspect of costs , benefits , technologies and management. With the features of liner shipping operation and the existing power function relationship between speed , the fuel consumption and carbon emissions of ships , the essence of compiling liner shipping schedule under low-carbon economy was to determine the navigation time between different ports within the given voyage time. It is the thing to find the optimum vessel speed between different ports which aimed at reducing the fuel consumption and carbon emissions and meeting the required time. This problem was described. The vessel speed in different routes/ segment was taken as the decision variable and average voyage fuel consumption was taken as optimization objective. A mathematical model was established to describe the continuous dynamic system of liner shipping. It is concluded that in given voyage time , the same vessel speed in each route segment minimize the fuel consumption and carbon emissions in the whole voyage.
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    Heuristic Algori~hm for Re-handling Problems in Retrieving Operation in Container Port
    Fan Lei , Liang Chenji
    2014, 33(1): 133-138.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.30
    Abstract ( )   PDF (480KB) ( )  
    A mathematical model for gantry crane' s retrieving operation was established to minimize the re-handling number in the whole retrieving operation process in a bay. And then the mathematical model was solved by the heuristic algorithm based on six principles of choosing location. Different scales of initial bay states were generated randomly and simulation experiments were conducted by using the heuristic algorithm programmed by MATLAB. The result was compared with the one using by dynamic programming. It is concluded that the heuristic algorithm is the better, stable and feasible solution and it improves the efficiency of retrieving operation and fulfills the timeliness of work in container port.
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    Modal Optimization of Car Door ?ased on Sensitivity Method
    Zhu Maotao , Chen Yazhou
    2014, 33(1): 139-143.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.31
    Abstract ( )   PDF (345KB) ( )  
    The finite element model of car door was simplified and established by Hypermesh software. And the modal analysis on the car door was carried out to analyze the modal performance of car door. The accuracy of finite element model was verified through the experimental modal analysis. Because the first order frequency and three order frequency was close to BIW natural frequency , the modal performance need to be optimized. Through the sensitivity analysis , the key components which affected the natural frequency were found. The thickness of key components was used as the design variable , and it was optimized to improve the first order and third order natural frequency aiming at avoiding BIW natural frequency and increasing the car door modal performance.
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    Turn Safety of Concrete Truck Mixer ?ased on Lab VIEW
    Li Bangquan , Cao Yuanwen , Li Zejun , Cao Zhipo
    2014, 33(1): 144-148.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.32
    Abstract ( )   PDF (350KB) ( )  
    Based on the analysis of the stability of concrete truck mixer with no load or full load , the theoretical calculation method of safety speed fO,r vehicle turning was presented. The block diagram of real-time computing systems of safety speed was established and the cOlTesponding front-panel diagram of the virtual instrument was also designed , according to the environment of the software of Lab VIEW and its calculation method. In the case of corresponding sensor , the virtual instrument displayed the safety speed at real time and had early warning function for mixing truck when turning. The driver can get a speed reference in time by this instrument. It effectively improves the turning security
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    Energy Management Strategy for Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles
    Chen Long , Wang Xiaoliang , Pan Chaofeng, Zhao Shuiping
    2014, 33(1): 149-152.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.33
    Abstract ( )   PDF (285KB) ( )  
    The strategy of energy management for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) including load balancing of fuel cell engine and power compensation was proposed by PI control method for the state of battelY charge. The strategy was tested fOl hard-in-loop simulation based on d SPACE. The test results show that the presented energy management strategy can well control the power assignment of the fuel cell system and power battery , and can recover partial energy.
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    Hydraulic Model and Cavitations of Hydraulic Buffer
    Luo Tianhong,Jin Ruichao,Jiang Jiao,Hu Qiguo,Zhu Sunke
    2014, 33(1): 153-156.  DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.34
    Abstract ( )   PDF (268KB) ( )  
    In order to reduce the noise of cavitations for hydraulic buffer,the generating process of cavitations noise and the hydraulic oil movement in the process of compression and recovery was analyzed. The model relating the relationship between cavitations coefficients and orifice length was established. And parameter model of binocular hydraulic shock absorber was also presented. The compression and recovery process of hydraulic shock absorber was analyzed by Simulink simulation, and the relationship among cavitations noise of the buffer,orifice length and the oil kinematic viscosity was then determined. It is found that oil shock absorber cavitations noise can be reduced by adding the effective orifices diameter of throttle and decreasing the kinematic viscosity of oil.
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    Mechanism and Experimentation for Contacting Protection of Power Battery Box in Electric VehicIe
    Zhou Zhiping , Jiang Huaizhen , Wu Xugang , Ren Kechen , Li Yan
    2014, 33(1): 157-160.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2014.01.35
    Abstract ( )   PDF (280KB) ( )  
    Reliable connecting of power battery box is important for safe-running in electric vehicle with exchanging battely technology. According to the characteristics of operation and connection of power battery box , the connecting failures of power battery box were analyzed. A solution was presented to detect the poor contact of terminal posts and achieve the protection. And a corresponding protection terminal was designed and developed. By means of simulating poor contacting and malfunction of terminal posts of power batter box , some criterion parameters for detecting the malfunction were presented and the availability of the protection solution was also verified.
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