Experimental Study on Impacting Characteristics of Debris Flow Heads
He Xiaoying , Chen Hongkai , Tang Hongmei , Zhu Xiuzhu
2014, 33(1):
DOI: 10.3969/j.>ssn.1674-0696.2014.01.19
In analyzing the condition of Pingchuan debtis flow , the physical experimental model was established to analyze the impacting
characteristics of debris flow heads. 85 groups impacting tests were can'ied out , with the compounding of 5 slurry viscosities , 5 solid phase ratios and 4 grain diameters , to discuss the impacting characteristics of debris flow heads. The results show
that the effect of debris flow heads is decrease with the increase of the slurry viscosity , and when the viscosity is equal or more
than O. 72 Pa . s , the debris flow heads disappear.Tle impacting time of debtis flow heads reduces with the increase of slurry viscosity
and solid phase ratio , and when the slurry viscosity are 0 ,0. 13 ,and 0.37 Pa' s , the mean impacting time partly be 7.4 ,
2. 6 , and 1. 6 s correspondingly. Tle impacting peak value of the debtis flow head is the peak value of the whole impacting value
of debris flow when the slurry viscosity and solid phase ratio is low. And when they increase , the peak value of the head is no longer
the peak value of the whole process. According to the expetimental and imame data , the configuration of debris flow can be
classified into three type including high speed-high intensity heads configuration, transitional type heads configuration, and low
speed-low intensity heads configuration.
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