
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science) ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (04): 54-61.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2021.04.09

• Transport+Big Data and Artificial Intelligence • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Multimodal Transportation Route Selection of Fresh Products Considering Time Window with the Participation of High-Speed Rail

LI Yumin, QIU Meng, YAN Kaili, LIU Qixin   

  1. (College of Management Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, Henan, China)
  • Received:2019-09-03 Revised:2019-09-18 Online:2021-04-16 Published:2021-04-19
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  1. (郑州大学 管理工程学院,河南 郑州 450001)
  • 作者简介:李玉民(1969—),男,河南南阳人,教授,博士,主要从事物流与供应链管理方面的研究。E-mail:li.yu.min@163.com 通信作者:邱梦(1995—),女,河南开封人,硕士研究生,主要从事物流与供应链管理方面的研究。E-mail: qiumeng0626@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: According to fresh products transportation demand of small freight volume and high time efficiency, high-speed rail was proposed as a transportation mode to participate in the multimodal transport of fresh products. Considering the mixed time windows at intermediate nodes and the constraint of soft time window of destination receiving, the combined model of multimodal transportation route selection and transportation mode was constructed, whose objective was to minimize the total cost of transportation cost, transfer cost, time penalty cost, cold storage cost and quality loss cost. Taking Harbin-Kunming multimodal transportation path as an example, the hybrid Taguchi genetic algorithm was used to solve. The results show that it is better to choose the transportation combination method of “high-speed rail+highway” when the time window at intermediate nodes is considered. In addition, the existence of the node time window will increase time value cost to a certain extent, but it has strong practical rationality, which indicates that the proposed model can effectively provide practical path reference for the rapid multimodal transportation of fresh products.


Key words: traffic and transportation engineering, multimodal transportation of fresh products, time window, cost analysis, route optimization model, hybrid Taguchi genetic algorithm

摘要: 针对生鲜品小批量、高时效的运输需求,提出将高铁作为一种运输方式参与到生鲜品多式联运中。考虑中间节点混合时间窗以及目的地收货软时间窗约束,以运输成本、中转成本、时间惩罚成本、蓄冷成本和质量损耗成本构成的总成本最小为目标,构建多式联运路径选择与运输方式组合模型。以“哈尔滨-昆明”区间多式联运为例进行算例分析,采用混合田口遗传算法求解,算例结果表明:考虑节点时间窗时选择“高铁+公路”路径运输组合方式更优;节点时间窗的存在虽然会在一定程度上造成时间价值成本的增加,但具有较强的现实合理性,说明模型能够有效地为生鲜品快速多式联运提供实用性的路径参考。

关键词: 交通运输工程, 生鲜品多式联运, 时间窗, 成本分析, 路径优化模型, 混合田口遗传算法

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