
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science) ›› 2011, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (S2): 1203-1211.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.supp2.020

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Dynamic Problems Research and Countermeasures of Xiamen-Zhangzhou Sea-Crossing Bridge

WANG Fu-ming   

  1. Chongqing Communications Research & Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,China Merchants Bureau,Chongqing 400067,China
  • Received:2010-05-25 Online:2011-12-30 Published:2015-01-22



  1. 招商局重庆交通科研设计院有限公司,中国重庆400067
  • 作者简介:王福敏(1962—),男,四川南溪人,副院长兼总工程师,研究员,主要从事新型桥梁结构方面的研究。E-mail:wangfumin@cmhk.com。

Abstract: The construction of Xiamen-Zhangzhou sea-crossing bridge not only has the characteristics of the Bay Bridge,but also has adverse conditions of large seismic intensity,poor weather conditions,complex hydrological conditions,poor geological conditions and high navigation standards. It brings much challenges to the desingn of long span bridge. In order to introduce the countermeasures in the study and design of Xiamen-Zhangzhou sea-crossing bridge, the three dynamic responses of anti-seismic,wind-resistant and anti-collision were analyzed.

Key words: Xiamen-Zhangzhou sea-crossing bridge, anti-seismic, wind-resistant, anti-collision, dynamic response, countermeasures

摘要: 厦漳跨海大桥工程的建设除了具有海湾大桥的特点外,还具有地震烈度大、气象条件较差、水文条件复杂、地 质条件恶劣、通航标准高等不利条件,给大桥设计带来较多的挑战。主要针对抗震、抗风和抗撞3 个方面的动力响 应问题,介绍厦漳跨海大桥工程动力问题在研究和设计中的应对措施。

关键词: 厦漳跨海大桥, 抗震, 抗风, 抗撞, 动力响应, 对策

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