Influence of Wharf Types on Motion Response Characteristics of
Large Ships
YUAN Peiyin1,2, WANG Pingyi1, LIU Tianyu2, ZHAO Yu1,3
2019, 38(08):
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2019.08.13
Based on the three-dimensional potential flow theory, the effects of ship-to-wharf spacing (5 to 500 m) and wharf types (square wharf and cylindrical wharf) on 6-DOF response amplitude operators (RAO), including surge, sway, heave, roll, pitch and yaw, were studied. In the case of coupled mooring in full-time domain, the variation of the response amplitude of the ships 6-DOF (pitch, sway, heave, roll, pitch and yaw) changing with time history was analyzed. The result shows that the 6-DOF response amplitude operators in ship frequency domain are basically not affected by the distance between ship and wharf; and different wharf shapes have different influences on the ship motions, that is the influence of square wharf on ships pitch, yaw and roll is more severe, while the influence of cylindrical wharf on ships roll, pitch and heave is more significant. The research results can provide some reference and technical guidance for mooring of similar ships.
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