
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science) ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (04): 41-47.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2021.04.07

• Transport+Big Data and Artificial Intelligence • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Optimization of the Departure Interval of Urban Rail Train Considering Operational Income and Passenger Compartment Space Perception

ZHU Shunying1, LIU Bin1, LIU Bin2, YANG Youzhen3, WANG Hong1   

  1. (1. School of Transportation, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430063, Hubei, China; 2. Wuhan Metro Operation Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430019, Hubei, China; 3. Wuhan Rail Transit Operation and Management Office, Wuhan 430019, Hubei, China)
  • Received:2019-12-05 Revised:2020-02-25 Online:2021-04-16 Published:2021-04-19
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  1. (1. 武汉理工大学 交通学院 ,湖北 武汉 430063; 2. 武汉地铁运营有限公司,湖北 武汉430019; 3. 武汉轨道交通运营管理办公室,湖北 武汉 430019)
  • 作者简介:朱顺应(1967—),男,安徽安庆人,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为交通运输规划与管理。E-mail: 237842@whut.edu.cn 通信作者:刘滨(1996—),男,湖南邵阳人,硕士研究生, 主要研究方向为交通运输规划与管理。E-mail:15172426330@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The operation income and the passenger compartment space perception of the rail transit system is an opposite relationship. Through the study of these two factors to optimize the departure interval of rail transit, the passenger compartment space perception could be improved within a reasonable income range. Considering the influence of the train’s upstream and downstream direction and the constraint of factors such as passenger waiting time, supply and demand balance, maximum passenger capacity, number of vehicles equipped and the safety interval of train operation, the departure interval optimization model was established, and the genetic algorithm was used to solve the multi-variable nonlinear optimization problem. The optimization schemes of different sub-periods were obtained. The proposed method was applied to optimize and calculate Wuhan Rail Transit Line 4 during different periods of peak hours. It is found that after the adjustment of the transit departure interval, the small decrease of operation income can effectively improve the passenger compartment space perception. Through passenger flow sensitivity analysis, the change law of rail operation income and passenger compartment space perception under the condition of passenger flow increasing to a certain extent is studied, which can provide reference for the decision-making of urban rail train operation.


Key words: traffic and transportation engineering, rail transit, departure interval, operational income, passenger compartment space perception, genetic algorithm

摘要: 轨道交通系统中运营收益与乘客车厢空间感知度是一种对立关系,通过研究该两因素对轨道发车间隔进行优化,能够实现合理收益范围内提升乘客车厢空间感知。考虑列车上下行两方向影响以及乘客候车时间、供需平衡、最大载客量、配备车辆数,列车运行安全间隔等方面的约束,建立发车间隔优化模型,采用遗传算法求解多变量非线性优化问题,得到不同子时间段的优化方案。应用模型对武汉市轨道交通4号线高峰期间不同时段优化计算,发现轨道发车间隔调整后,运营收益小幅度下降能够有效提升车厢空间感知度;并通过客流敏感性分析,研究客流量按一定幅度提升下轨道运营收益与乘客车厢空间感知度的变化规律,可为城轨列车运营决策提供参考。

关键词: 交通运输工程, 轨道交通, 发车间隔, 运营收益, 车厢空间感知度, 遗传算法

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