
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science) ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (1): 121-126.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.01.26

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Congestion Charging Effect Considering State-Financed Travel

Wang Yu   

  1. Department of Transportation Engineering, Sichuan Vocational and Technical College of Communications, Chengdu 611130, Sichuan, China
  • Received:2013-07-17 Revised:2013-07-17 Online:2015-02-15 Published:2015-03-10



  1. 四川交通职业技术学院 运输工程系,四川 成都 611130
  • 作者简介:王瑜(1988—),女,四川达州人,硕士,主要从事交通运输规划与管理方面的研究。E-mail:252786508@qq.com。

Abstract: According to the differences of state-financed travel and non-state-financed travel, the impact of state-financed travel on congestion charging was analyzed, and the measures on the internalization of external costs on state-financed travel were put forward. Furthermore, the congestion charging models before and after the internalization were set up.Through comparing the examples, it is concluded that the congestion charging effect after the internalization is always better than before with the optimal charge strategy, considering the total network cost, social welfare, the total amount of travel, and the sharing of the public transportation. The difference before and after internalization decreases with the increase of time value parameters and increases with the boost of the proportion of stated-financed travel; and it increases with the increase of sensitivity parameters of elastic demand. It is indicated that the measures of the internalization of external costs on state-financed travel can better improve the effect of congestion charging with smaller time value, greater proportion of stated-financed travel, and greater sensitivity parameters of elastic demand.

Key words: traffic engineering, state-financed travel, congestion pricing model, congestion pricing effect

摘要: 针对公务出行与非公务出行的差异性,分析了公务出行对拥挤收费的影响,提出了公务出行外部成本内部化措施,建立了内部化措施前后的拥挤收费模型。算例比较表明:在最优收费 策略下,从路网总成本、社会福利、总出行量以及公共交通分担量方面,内部化后拥挤收费效果总是优于内部化前;二者的差距随着时间价值参数的增大而减小,随着公务出行所占比重的增 大而增大,随着弹性灵敏参数的增大而增大。研究表明在时间价值越小,公务出行比重越大,以及弹性需求灵敏参数越大的条件下,内部化措施对于改善拥挤收费的效果就越明显。

关键词: 交通工程, 公务出行, 拥挤收费模型, 拥挤收费效果

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