Influence of Processing and Storage Temperature on SBS Modified Asphalt Performance
Han Sen , Niu Dongyu, Chen Kai, Gao Jingwei, Li Jun
2015, 34(1):
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.01.11
Four kinds of the processing temperatures (160,170,180,190 ℃) and three kinds of the storage temperatures(90, 120,150 ℃), which were in different range,
were selected to process and store the different SBS modified asphalt (E+S-YS, E+S-YY, S+S-YY). The temperature sensitivity, high temperature performance and low
temperature performance were analyzed by asphalt experimentation and repeat creep test. The results show that the different processing and storage temperatures affect
the performances of three kinds of SBS modified asphalt differently. When the processing temperature is 180 ℃ and the storage temperature is 150 ℃, the various
performances of S-YY modified asphalt achieve the optimal effect; while the processing temperature is 170 ℃ and the storage temperature is 120 ℃, the various
performances of S-YS modified asphalt achieve the optimal effect. The recommended value of the processing and storage temperature for enhancing the performance of
different SBS modified asphalt was proposed.
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