

    15 April 2015, Volume 34 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Analysis of Geometric Nonlinear Behavior of Self-Anchored Suspension Bridge of Large Span
    Wang Zhen, Luo Bo, Wu Haijun, Zhou Zhixiang, Wang Shenning
    2015, 34(2): 1-6.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.01
    Abstract ( )   PDF (972KB) ( )  
    Considering with geometric nonlinear problem of self-anchored suspension bridge of large span, based on the basic principles of nonlinear analysis, a geometric nonlinear behavior of main cable’s displacement of large span suspension bridge in construction phase and at final stage was studied, by the method of analyzing the bridge’s geometric nonlinearity by loading fractionally. Besides, based on the comparison between theoretical calculation and measured experimental total bridge model test, the geometric nonlinearity characters of the main cable were clarified. The results show that the geometric nonlinearity character of the main cable’s displacement is obvious, and it mainly experiences three segments: linearity character is obvious, nonlinearity character enhances gradually and nonlinearity character reduces gradually. Further analysis shows that the changing rules of the nonlinearity character of a cable band spot under tensioned or not are different: the geometric nonlinearity character in the zero-crossing points of displacement influence line of the main cable is much more obvious than the other parts of the main cable. Under complete bridge stage, the linearity character of the main cable’s displacement is obvious and the load effect fits the superposition principle.
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    Accurate Calculation Method of Equal Tensile Force of Parallel Strand Stayed-Cable
    Zou Li, Peng Xumin, Wei Dongsheng
    2015, 34(2): 7-9.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.02
    Abstract ( )   PDF (263KB) ( )  
    In order to improve the accuracy of the stay cable force, and improve the uniformity of the single steel strand cable force, the existing formula for calculating cable force was revised and perfected, and a more accurate formula for calculating cable force was presented. The existing control method of single steel strand cable force was also revised and perfected, and a more accurate control formula and control method for cable force was presented. These studies were conducted according to the basic theory of equal tensile force method of parallel strand stayed-cable.
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    Similarity Law of Scale-Model Test System for Vehicle-Bridge Coupling Vibration
    Gui Shuirong, Zhang Chao, Chen Shuisheng
    2015, 34(2): 10-14.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.03
    Abstract ( )   PDF (386KB) ( )  
    The similarity laws of bridge-vehicle interaction system were presented based on similarity theories of structure dynamic model test and dynamic property of highway bridge-vehicle coupling vibration. Taken a fictitious simple supported beam bridge as an example, the parameters of vehicle model and bridge model were calculated according to the prototype structure dynamic properties and scale factor of geometry. Comparative analysis of static and dynamic response between prototype bridge and model bridge, verified the vehicle-bridge coupling vibration model similarity law. The results showed that, the scale model test for vehicle-bridge coupling vibration need to satisfy elastic similarity law and gravity similarity simultaneously.
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    Investigation of Vehicle Loads on Expressway Bridge under Special Circumstances
    Zhao Chuan, Dou Yuanming, Sun Jishu
    2015, 34(2): 15-19.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.04
    Abstract ( )   PDF (465KB) ( )  
    The bridge collapses continuously occurred recent years in many provinces. It produced all kinds of fatigue problems when the overloading vehicles frequently passed through the bridge. In combination with the key highway bridges in service in Hebei province, the overloading vehicles load spectrum was monitored. Through the traffic investigation,high frequency vehicle model, the distribution of vehicles flow, the vehicle’s own properties (wheelbase, axle load) and so on were statistically analyzed. According to the principle of equivalent fatigue damage, the model of 5 kinds of daily operation vehicle load was deduced based on the measured data and the fatigue loading spectrum was established. To compare with highway-I automotive design load effect, it is concluded that when the span is less than or equal to 25 m, its vehicle load should be increased to about 1.3 times; When the span is longer than 25 m, its vehicle load should be raised to about 1.2 times.
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    Typical Damage Analysis of Bridges During Badong M5.1 Earthquake
    Zhang Yi, Li Heng, Wang Qiuliang, Feng Qian, Li Jinggang, Li Xue
    2015, 34(2): 20-23.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.05
    Abstract ( )   PDF (858KB) ( )  
    Abstract:The seismic damage of different types of bridges was investigated and roughly analyzed during Badong M5.1 earthquake. The survey results show except a very few bridges were destroyed, the main structures of the bridges had basic security in Badong area, and they could continue to be used after local repairs.
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    Analysis of Mechanics Response for Tunnel Anchorage to Dynamic Tension Force from Main Cable
    Li Ming, Yuan Xiaowei, Chen Qi, Hu Jun
    2015, 34(2): 24-27.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.06
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1002KB) ( )  
    Abstract:By using the finite element software ANSYS, the tunnel anchorage of Puli Bridge was analyzed. The stability of tunnel anchorage under non-dynamic tensile load in the main cable was calculated. When earthquake occurs, with the consideration of anchor piug body to tensile load in main cable, the four corners of the bottom surface and the two vertexes of front and back surface were monitored. Through the stress and stress amplitude analysis of monitored points, it shows that the response of the plug body of former anchor surface is more strongly than that of the back surface.
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    Nonlinear Strength Yield Index of Surrounding Rock Stability for Underground Opening
    Wu Hengbin,Zhang Xuefu
    2015, 34(2): 28-32.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.07
    Abstract ( )   PDF (439KB) ( )  
    According to the analysis of surrounding rock yield index of the Mohr-Coulomb criterion and Drucker-Prager yield criterion, yield index (YI) is proposed based on I1 and J2. Both two methods are equivalent in the linear yield criterion, YI based on I1 is smaller than J2in nonlinear yield criterion, and YI based J2 is suggested. In view of the solution for generalized Hoek-Brown criterion exist mathematical difficulty, the generalized Hoek-Brown strength parameters are converted into the equivalent strength parameters, the yield evaluation of surrounding rock stability is further performed by substituting them into the YI expression of Mohr-Coulomb criterion. In addition, numerical experiments are conducted, and the results show that the law of equivalent plastic strain are similar to that of YI after tunnel excavation and support, the accuracy of YI is verified. YI of tunnel can show the degree of stress concentration and the interpretation law of surrounding rock safety state, describe more accurately the stress state of surrounding rock.
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    Analysis of Major Factors Affecting CFG Piles Treating Soft Foundation in Mountain Highway
    Cai Dongjun, Xie Wen
    2015, 34(2): 33-38.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.08
    Abstract ( )   PDF (873KB) ( )  
    After CFG pile treated the mountain road, its composite foundation bearing capacity, and settlement were affected by many factors. Under Embankment loads, conventional theoretical approach is difficult to analyze the impact of changes in the stress-strain law factors. Finite element analysis software PLAXIS was used to simulate CFG pile composite foundation treatment and embankment construction. Through the analysis of CFG pile length, pile spacing and composite foundation cushion thickness variation, the influence of various factors on the CFG pile composite foundation settlement was summed up, and CFG pile composite foundation pile length,pile spacing and cushion thickness of a reasonable range were analyzed. Ultimately it provides theoretical basis for practical engineering CFG pile composite foundation optimized design.
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    Mechanical Property Monitoring on Asphalt Pavement Overlaying on CCP
    Lv Huiqing, Zhang Xiangwei, Yin Yingmei, Chen Wentao
    2015, 34(2): 39-44.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.09
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1249KB) ( )  
    In order to obtain the inner work information of semi-rigid base asphalt pavement overlaying on the damaged cement concrete pavement(CCP), the sensors were embedded in the test road during construction. And the strain and temprature vabiration of semi-rigid base under multiphysics, such as temperature, fluid and vehicle loads were monitored. The vibrations of semi-rigid base at the beginning of and during the operation after completation were obtained. Based on the inspection results, it is known that the damaged cement concrete pavement has a very large influence on the mechanical response of base. Furthmore, keeping the stability old CCP and the integration of semi-rigid base is the key to control the reflective crack of semi-rigid base asphalt pavement on the damaged cement concrete pavement.
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    Evaluation Study of Rock Slope Stability in Alpine High Altitude Region
    Li Jianfeng, Wan Chen, Zhao Yong
    2015, 34(2): 45-49.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.10
    Abstract ( )   PDF (320KB) ( )  
    For the study of rock slope stability evaluation method of the alpine high altitude region, 12 main evaluation indexes which influence the stability of rock slope in the special area were selected as the evaluation factors of fuzzy evaluation, to build fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of the system in the alpine high altitude areas by applying of AHP method and fuzzy mathematics theory to determine the weight of each index and membership. Based on this model, the right bank of highway slope stability of the Pangduo Hydro Project was evaluated by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. The evaluation results objectively reflect the engineering actual situation, which has some practical guiding significance and reference value to analysis and predict of rock slope stability in this kind of region.
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    Short-Term Aging Effect on Cryogenic Property of Common Asphalt in Xinjiang
    Bu Hailing, Liu Tao, Yang Sanqiang
    2015, 34(2): 50-53.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.11
    Abstract ( )   PDF (367KB) ( )  
    Taking four kinds of common asphalt in Xinjiang area as examples, the BBR test instrument was used to conduct a study. Low temperature performance of the asphalt before and after short-term aging can be sorted out through the comparison and analysis of the low temperature performance indicators before and after RTFOT experiment. Meanwhile, it can be found that the sensitivity of the modified asphalt on short-term aging is greater than the base asphalt and short-term aging effect on the property of asphalt relaxation is greater than the effect on asphalt stiffness.
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    Permanent Deformation Prediction Method of Asphalt Pavement Based on Superposition Principle
    Qin Min,, Lu Zhaofeng ,Liang Naixing
    2015, 34(2): 54-57.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.12
    Abstract ( )   PDF (415KB) ( )  
    The main factors caused asphalt pavement permanent deformation were analyzed. Fully considered the repeated vehicle loads, the pavement material properties and the temperature conditions, a prediction method of asphalt pavement permanent deformation was established based on the hierarchical and regional superposition principle, and the acquisition method of corresponding model parameters was researched. The viscoelastic constitutive model of asphalt mixture under repeated loads was obtained. Combined with the test data of triaxial repeated load, the creep compliance fitting method of structure sub-layer of asphalt pavement was studied. By the actual measurement of test road, the representative year temperature intervals and the corresponding times of standard axial load were obtained. By using the finite element method, the deviatoric stress distributions of structure sub-layer of asphalt pavement under different temperature conditions were analyzed.Finally, the permanent deformation of asphalt pavement of Qijiang-Wanzhou expressway was calculated with the established prediction method. The results show that the calculation values have a good consistency with the measured values and the prediction method has higher calculation accuracy. It can more accurately simulate the deformation law of asphalt pavement.
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    Compactness Determination of Subgrade Soil Based on GPR
    Bai Zhe
    2015, 34(2): 58-62.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.13
    Abstract ( )   PDF (502KB) ( )  
    Take three kinds common subgrade material (silt, medium sand and gravel sand) as test objects, the GPR was used to test dielectric constant of many samples and the water content and density were tested by laboratory soil tests. The volume mixing models for dielectric constant (root mean square model and linear model) were verified and the MATLAB program was used to process the test value and calculated value of dielectric constant. The result shows there is great difference between the test value and model calculated value of dielectric constant, but there is a good relativity between them. The relativity is used to improve the original models so as to acquire the subgrade compactness by an inversion. Take silt for example, plenty of tests were carried on, the MATLAB program was used to do multiple nonlinear regression and the empirical model was set up. The improved dielectric model and the empirical model for silt were applied to the practical engineering and the test results were in accordance with sand replacement method.
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    Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Greening Quality in Island Ring Highway (G98) of Hainan
    Wang Ti, Xue Zhu, Tao Shuangcheng, Lv Xiaoyu, Wang Feng
    2015, 34(2): 63-68.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.14
    Abstract ( )   PDF (415KB) ( )  
    In order to summarize the greening experience of island ring highway, based on the basic principles of the ideal point method, fifteen indexes of the landscape features, ecological functions and security features were selected as the evaluation indexes. The weight coefficient of each evaluation index was determined by the Delphi-ideal point method. A comprehensive evaluation model for highway greening quality was established based on the Delphi method and ideal point method. The range and distance of plus-minus grade classification of the highway greening quality given by the ideal point method were analyzed by data operating. And the results were graded at last. Combined with site investigation, the results show that the method is scientific and effective, also easy to operate.
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    Calculation of Dominant Discharge of Chongqing Urban Reach in Yangtze River Main Stream
    Chu Wanqiang, Li Yongli, Xie Long
    2015, 34(2): 69-71.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.15
    Abstract ( )   PDF (503KB) ( )  
    To reflect the channel characteristics of Chongqing urban reach of the Yangtze River and to determine the discharge of forming the river bed, the dominant discharge was calculated by Makovieve method and frequency analysis method, which was based on the measured data of the Yangtze River committee hydrographic office from 1961 to 2007. Through the comprehensive analysis on the calculation results of the above two method, the bed-building discharge of Cuntan reach and Xuantanmiao reach was recommended. Finally, the empirical formula between the bed-building discharge and the hydraulic parameters was established through the multiple regression analysis, and its results could offer the reference for the channel governance of reaches and the determination of the dominant discharge of the reaches with the same kind.
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    Set Pair Analysis Model of Urban Land Health Appraisal
    Huang Hai
    2015, 34(2): 72-76.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.16
    Abstract ( )   PDF (328KB) ( )  
    In view of the uncertainty existing in the health appraisal of land use system, the formula for calculating the identity-discrepancy-contrary connection degree which reflects the certainty and uncertainty based on set pair analysis theory was adopted to establish the appraisal index and the model for the urban land health. Entropy weight method was employed to calculate the weight of each appraisal index which can be expressed as a n-dimensional connection degree. Health appraisal for the urban area of Chongqing city from 2001 to 2011 was taken as a case study. The results show that land health of Chongqing urban area was turning from critical health to sub-health, which was getting better but needed further improvement. The method can make full use of the uncertain information in the appraisal process, so it is effective for the health appraisal of land use system.
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    Dynamic Change Evaluation of Water Resources Ecological Carrying Capacity in Bijie City of Guizhou Province
    Guan Dongjie, Su Yin, Zuo Taian, Su Weici
    2015, 34(2): 77-84.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.17
    Abstract ( )   PDF (606KB) ( )  
    Through factor analysis, a relatively intact ecological carrying capacity of water resources in karst areas reflects changing trends in the evaluation system was selected. Entropy method is used to endow weight for different indices, grey analysis method is employed to carry on comprehensive evaluation of the Bijie City, Guizhou province. The results demonstrate that the carrying capacity of water resources in 2007 is of the highest level, carrying capacity level of water resources after 2007 is decreased yearly; population and economic developments are confirmed to be two pressed factors for the water resources carrying capacity.
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    Comprehensive Evaluation of Driving Tendency Based on Principal Factor Analysis
    Tan Derong, Shang Qiang, Gao Song, Wang Xiaoyuan
    2015, 34(2): 85-88.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.18
    Abstract ( )   PDF (322KB) ( )  
    In order to judge the driving safety tendency of drivers correctly, a driving behavior questionnaire with high reliability and validity was designed, and non-professional drivers was selected to make a questionnaire survey. The survey data was analyzed by factor analysis to extract the driving style, driving skills and judgment reaction as the evaluation index, to realize judgment driving safety tendency by using multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.
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    Urban Passenger Hub Transfer Evaluation Based on Multilevel Grey Evaluation Method
    Huang Cheng, He Shan, He Lin
    2015, 34(2): 89-92.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.19
    Abstract ( )   PDF (416KB) ( )  
    Based on analyzing the characteristics and common evaluation methods of comprehensive passenger hubs, the multilevel grey evaluation method was put forward to evaluate passenger hub transfer. Hub transfer coordination, passenger satisfaction and hub sustainability were chosen as evaluation indexes, so that the evaluation system would be more scientific and accurate. Chengdu east comprehensive passenger hub was set as an example to discuss the operability of evaluation methods and indexes.
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    Operational Safety Evaluation on Subway Station Facilities Based on Multiplayer Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
    Liu Tingting, Wei Renhui
    2015, 34(2): 98-101.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.21
    Abstract ( )  
    A multilayer and multi-index evaluation index system and a mathematical model of multiplayer fuzzy comprehensive evaluation were built objectively. The multiplayer fuzzy comprehensive evaluation was used to assess the operational safety for subway station facility and electromechanical equipment. A station on opening of a subway line was selected as an example to carried out further study, thus the corresponding evaluation results were obtained.
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    Urban Road Traffic State Identification Based on Fuzzy C-mean Clustering
    Huang Yanguo, Xu Lunhui, Kuang Xianyan
    2015, 34(2): 102-107.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.22
    Abstract ( )   PDF (569KB) ( )  
    Through the analysis of urban road traffic characteristics, traffic flow parameters under the same traffic state were dispersed in a two-dimensional region. The traffic condition was divided into four states, and state transitions of traffic flow were described. According to the ambiguity characteristics of urban road traffic state, a real-time traffic condition identification method based on the fuzzy c-means clustering was presented, and the flow, speed and occupancy were taken as feature attribute of sample data. Firstly, fuzzy C-means clustering technique was used to classify the sampled historical data, and the clustering center of different traffic condition was gotten with the method, then in the test module, the real-time traffic data were used to identify which state the traffic data belong to. Finally, the traffic condition of Wenming Avenue was tested and analyzed through the actual collected data with the method. The results are same with the measured results of traffic condition, and it verified the effectiveness of this method.
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    Prediction Research on Travel-Time Distribution of Short-Term Path
    Liu Yan
    2015, 34(2): 108-111.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.23
    Abstract ( )   PDF (456KB) ( )  
    In order to effectively use historical travel-time data and improve the travel-time distribution estimation precision of short-term road section, an adaptive data fusion method was proposed. By analyzing the relationship between historical travel-time data and real-time travel time data, a mapping mode of the two ways was constructed. The mode can effectively make the data interval of inaccurate corresponding state map to accurate corresponding state and greatly improve the prediction precision of the travel-time distribution. With consideration of factors such as time delay, DYNASMART simulation software was used to analyze the proposed method in the experiment. The results show that with acquisition step length increasing, the short-term travel-time prediction distribution obtained from the adaptive data fusion model is consistent with the actual travel-time distribution, which effectively ensures the quality of prediction data and provides a reliable basis for the establishment of intelligent traffic control strategy for the future.
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    Dynamic Paths Optimization of Multimodal Transport with Stochastic Factors
    Chen Dandan, Hong Wei, Jia Yu
    2015, 34(2): 112-117.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.24
    Abstract ( )   PDF (540KB) ( )  
    Considering the dynamic and stochastic of multimodal transport and basing on transportation quality control with penalty factor, a model with the soft time windows restriction was presented for multimodal transport routing problem aiming at the minimize of total cost. Then the improved Dijkstra algorithm was used to solve the model. At last a multimodal transport problem formula based on four kinds of transport modes(the railway, highway, aviation, water transport) was designed to verify the practicality and effectiveness of the model.
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    Service Cooperation Strategy in Dual-Channel Supply Chain under Service Differentiation
    Chen Jun, He Yuan, Lai Xin
    2015, 34(2): 118-123.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.25
    Abstract ( )   PDF (545KB) ( )  
    A service collaboration decision problem in a dual-channel supply chain was studied with the consideration of service level and the customer’s acceptance of the internet channel. Then the Stackelberg decentralized decision model and the centralized decision model were developed for two settings that the retailer provided same service level in both channels or not. The conclusion implies that the system profits, the manufacturer’s optimal profit and retailer’s optimal profit are always higher when different service is provided than that of the same service, and the optimal service level for the direct channel is a little lower than that for the traditional channel under decentralized mode.
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    Upper Bound of Social Cost Optimization in Urban Traffic Networks
    Mao Taitian, Huang Ge, Li Yong,
    2015, 34(2): 124-127.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.26
    Abstract ( )   PDF (513KB) ( )  
    Existing research shows that network traffic at equilibrium may not be socially optimal in traffic networks with fixed demands. In order to further clarify the relationship between user equilibrium and system optimum flow patterns, new formula for computing the upper bound of social cost optimization in urban traffic networks was derived through introducing an alternate quantity associated with the user social cost of equilibrium flow pattern. The results show that the social cost of the equilibrium is twice the cost of the social optimum at most; hence the social cost of the network can be halved through an effective control strategy at most.
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    Team Orienteering Problem with Specified Point Set
    Peng Yong, Feng Yu
    2015, 34(2): 128-132.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.27
    Abstract ( )   PDF (461KB) ( )  
    The team orienteering problem with the specified point set was discussed based on the nature of customers. A mathematic team orienteering problem model with the specified point set which targets the maximized profits was established under the time constrained condition. A MMAS algorithm with 2-opt was developed to solve this problem. It improved stimulating factor and update pheromones strategy. And optimal solution was optimized with 2-opt. The numerical examples demonstrate the algorithm is available, and it is important to take the specified point set into account to solve team orienteering problem.
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    Difference Analysis of Brake Energy Regeneration Rate between Urban Road Conditions and NEDC
    Zhang Shupei, Huang Xuan, Jing Zhecheng,Zhang Wei
    2015, 34(2): 133-136.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.28
    Abstract ( )   PDF (524KB) ( )  
    Through regenerative braking tests of urban roads and NEDC test cycles, the two differences of regenerative braking were compared and analyzed. The results show that, the difference of regenerative braking between NEDC test cycle and urban road conditions is large. The real vehicle braking intensity distribution is of a broader condition. A suitable modality for regenerative braking conditions shall be built.
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    Finite Element Strength Analysis of Automotive Rear Defend Device
    Liu Shaohua, Fang Ya, Lu Jilei, Chen Long
    2015, 34(2): 137-140.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.29
    Abstract ( )   PDF (896KB) ( )  
    Based on the national statute GB11567.2-2001, the static loading test was designed based on the strength of a prevalent rear defend device. CATIA software was used to create a 3D model of the automotive rear defend device. Through the HyperMesh and ANSYS software the strength of this device was calculated. The comparative analysis of static strength was done with different loading methods. Thus a new improved design of defend device was proposed, which has practical engineering significance for enhancing the structural design and of the protective effect of passive collision occupant safety.
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    Research on Sliding Mode Controller of Anti-lock Braking System
    Meng Jie, Chen Qingzhang, Zhang Kai, Bu Shuang
    2015, 34(2): 141-143.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.30
    Abstract ( )   PDF (383KB) ( )  
    The anti-lock braking system(ABS) used in automobiles has the characteristic of the high nonlinearity, time-varying characteristics and uncertainty. The sliding mode controller can make such system move with high frequency within a narrow range according to specified state trajectory, and make such nonliear system steady. Based on simplifying the air resistance, vehicle rolling resistance and so on, the system dynamics model and the ABS model were built for the single-wheel automobile. Taking the slip rate as the target, and using the sliding mode controller, the control model was built under the environment of MATLAB/simulink. The simulation result shows that the wheel is always near the optimal slip rate and the ABS brake efficiency is improved.
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    Optimizing and Matching Analysis of Suspension Parameters of Van Truck Cab
    Li Xiushan, Zeng Falin, Liu Hanguang, Tang Chuanzheng, Zhu Liangliang
    2015, 34(2): 144-147.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.31
    Abstract ( )   PDF (770KB) ( )  
    Multi-body dynamics simulation model of van truck cab suspension was established by using multi-body dynamics software ADAMS. Appreciation of the cab floor acceleration RMS, combining the orthogonal design with ADAMS simulation, it researches on vibration isolation system parameters optimization and matching problem of the van truck cab suspension. On the B grade road, simulations at five different speeds were respectively calculated, and the optimization scheme of the original car cab suspension system parameters was put forward. The results of optimization show that the scheme can obviously improve the vehicle ride comfort and the effect of original vehicle vibration isolation.
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    Design of Fuzzy-PID Controller for a Half-Vehicle with Active Suspension System
    Lan Wenkui,Li Shisheng
    2015, 34(2): 148-151.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.32
    Abstract ( )   PDF (478KB) ( )  
    A fuzzy-PID controller was developed to the active suspension system for the ride comfort enhancement of a half-vehicle model of a four degree-of-freedom based in vehicle dynamical model. A fuzzy-PID controller was developed by incorporating the fuzzy logic control mechanism into the PID structure focused on the passenger’s ride comfort performance.The performance of the proposed controller has been verified by comparing it with passive control method in MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation results indicate that the developed fuzzy-PID controller enhances the ride comfort performance of the vehicle active suspension system by reducing the body acceleration and pitch angle significantly.
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    Vibration Characteristic Analysis of Frame-Mounted Driving Device for High-Speed Train
    Pan Songyan, Su Jian, Gong Haibin, Wang Xingyu, Lu Haige, Zhang Yirui
    2015, 34(2): 152-155.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.33
    Abstract ( )   PDF (752KB) ( )  
    In order to master vibration characteristic of high-speed train’s frame-mounted driving device, a simulation model of high-speed train’s motor car was established based on Adams/Rail, and track irregularity spatial-domain waveform was generated according to the modified German high-speed rail spectrum. At last, the dynamics simulations were carried out under different speeds. Simulation results show that the vibration response of driving device is a non-stationary random signal, and is affected by track conditions and speed. And the vibrations of gearbox and motor were mainly presented as yaw, ups and downs, roll and nodding motions. The ups and downs displacements and roll rotation angle of these two components show high mean values as the vehicle went around the curve, while vibration amplitudes are basically the same compared with straight driving.
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    Parameter Matching of Single-Motor Hybrid Electric Vehicle Based on Driving Cycles
    Wang Yong
    2015, 34(2): 156-160.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.34
    Abstract ( )   PDF (571KB) ( )  
    Aiming at a single-motor hybrid electric vehicles, four standard cycles including congestion, city, suburb, highway which were chosen as the working condition of the power system design, and the parameter of the engine, motor, battery and transmission were matched. On the Matlab/Simulink platform, the mode was built to simulate dynamic and economic performance. Simulation results indicate that the fuel consumption per hundred kilometers have increased respectively by 17.5%, 32.0%, 14.5% comparing with conventional car under NEDC, UDDS, HWFET.
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    Optimal Mixed Decision of Vehicle Maintenance and Repair
    Xu An, Qiao Xiangming, Zhao Changli, Liu Shengtian, Zhang Henghai
    2015, 34(2): 161-164.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2015.02.35
    Abstract ( )   PDF (291KB) ( )  
    Based on reliability theory and optimization theory, with the purpose to solve the mixed decision problem of vehicle maintenance and repair, the optimization goal was to make the expected total cost lowest in a certain future period of time, and the quantitative methods was used to analyze, at last the optimal mathematical models were established. Combined with the specific technical condition probability of vehicles and cost data, calculation examples are given. The research has important theoretical significance and engineering practical value, and it is of positive meaning to improve the maintenance management level, and to increase cost-effectiveness of road transport enterprises.
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