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    Transport+Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
    Identification of Traffic Signs in Haze Weather Based on Deep Learning
    CHEN Xiuxin, YE Yang, YU Chongchong, ZHANG Xue
    2020, 39(12): 1-5.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.01
    Abstract ( )   PDF (4041KB) ( )  
    In view of the phenomenon that the image quality acquired by imaging equipment was low in haze weather, which caused difficulty to identify traffic signs, the method of first removing haze and then identifying was proposed.Firstly,the haze image was processed by deep learning algorithm IRCNN,and then a multi-channel convolutional neural network (multi-channel CNN) model was proposed to recognize the image after haze removal.The research results show that IRCNN method can effectively remove haze,and the multi-channel CNN model has a good recognition effect. The recognition rate of the designed multi-channel CNN model reaches 100% on the data set of this experiment, which has good generalization and adaptability.
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    Development and Application of Mobile Terminal Monitoring System for Ballastless Track in Service
    LI Zaiwei1, LI Siyu1, HE Yuelei1, LU Hongyao1, ZHANG Bin2
    2020, 39(12): 6-12.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.02
    Abstract ( )   PDF (3826KB) ( )  
    With the increase of service time of ballastless track structure, the deterioration of service performance of ballastless track highlights. It is of great value to effectively grasp the real-time service state of ballastless track structure. An on-line monitoring system technology for mobile terminal of ballastless track in service state was proposed. By combining relational database and WeChat applet, taking Ali Cloud server as the intermediary, WXML and MXSS were used to design the WeChat applet page, and Http Request technology was used to realize the data interaction between the applet and the server. The results show that the proposed on-line monitoring system for mobile terminal of ballastless track in service state runs stably and reliably and can effectively realize the inspection and analysis of key parameters of service performance, which has a very positively practical significance for the construction of the mobile terminal work information management platform.
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    Traffic Information Acceptance Behavior in Social Network Environment
    CHEN Jian1, YU Hao1,2, ZHANG Chi1
    2020, 39(12): 13-19.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.03
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1129KB) ( )  
    In order to solve the problem of lack of quantitative descriptive methods for influencing factors of traffic information reception behavior in social networks, based on technology reception model and micro-blog user information reception model, the structural equation model was used to quantitatively describe the coupling relationship among latent variables such as information cognition, subjective norms, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and willingness to receive information as well as the effect of latent variables on information acceptance behavior. Combined with gender, age and other individual attribute variables, a hybrid discrete model of traffic information reception behavior in social networks was constructed, which considered the interaction of latent variables and explicit variables. Empirical analysis was carried out through questionnaire data. The research results show that: in structural equation model, five latent variables all have a positive impact on information reception behavior, among which reception intention (0.742), information cognition (0.704) and subjective norm (0.641) have a greater impact on information reception behavior; the optimal ratio of the hybrid discrete model is 0.346, and it is 0.145 higher than that of BL model which only considers individual attribute variables.
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    Traffic & Transportation Engineering
    Stability Analysis of Traffic Flow for Automated Vehicles
    QIN Yanyan1,WANG Hao2,HE Zhaoyi1,RAN Bin3
    2020, 39(12): 20-25.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.04
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1008KB) ( )  
    Traffic flow stability analysis is helpful to reveal the internal mechanism of the improvement of traffic operation efficiency. The car-following models of automated vehicles and manual-driven vehicles were used. Considering the randomness of vehicle space position, the numerical simulation experiment of mixed traffic flow stability under periodic boundary conditions was designed. The characteristics of vehicle speed fluctuation in mixed traffic flow under disturbance were analyzed, and the time of disturbance dissipation under different proportions of automated vehicle was calculated. Meanwhile, the influence of automated vehicles on fuel consumption of the mixed traffic flow was analyzed, based on traffic flow fuel consumption evaluation model. Research results show that the automated vehicles can effectively reduce the dissipation time of disturbance in mixed traffic flow, which is conducive to the improvement of the stability of mixed traffic flow. Moreover, compared with manual-driven vehicles, traffic flow with 100% proportion automated vehicles can reduce fuel consumption by more than 24.57%. The research results reveal that disturbance dissipation time is the intrinsic mechanism that the automated vehicle affects the stability.
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    Evaluation Model of Social Stability Risk of Urban Passenger Taxi Increase
    JI Bin, CHEN Yao, WANG Lu, LI Haoming, CHANG Guowei
    2020, 39(12): 26-30.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.05
    Abstract ( )   PDF (379KB) ( )  
    Taking urban passenger taxi as the research object, the social stability risk evaluation indicator system of taxi increase was established. The risk value of single risk factor was calculated by using risk matrix theory. The weight of each risk factor was obtained by using Borda sequence value theory and importance ranking method. Finally, the comprehensive risk value was calculated and obtained. Lijiang was taken as an example to carry out the social stability risk evaluation of taxi increase. The results show that the proposed social stability risk evaluation indicator and model of taxi increase are highly operational, scientific and effective, which provides a reference for the social stability risk evaluation of taxi increase.
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    Ship Selection Model Based on Principal Component Analysis and Extreme Learning Machine
    ZHENG Zhongyi, MU Jiaqi
    2020, 39(12): 31-36.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.06
    Abstract ( )   PDF (551KB) ( )  
    In order to solve the problem that the new inspection regime of the Tokyo MOU is difficult to identify the inspection order of the inspected ships, the method of principal component analysis and extreme learning machine was used to study the selection of the inspected ships. Based on the port state control data of the Tokyo MOU, the targeting model was analyzed in case study and the predicted results were compared with the actual data. The research results show that the proposed ship selection model is based on principal component analysis to reduce the dimension and complexity of the index samples and the extreme learning machine is used to fit and predict the detention and defects of the inspected ships, which can reduce the inspection volume by half with the accuracy rate of 90%. The validity of the proposed model is verified, which can provide decision support for the port state control for ship selection.
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    Emission Reduction Strategies for Port-Hinterland Container Transportation Network Considering Carbon Emission Policies under Uncertain Demand
    DAI Qian, YANG Jiaqi
    2020, 39(12): 37-43.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.07
    Abstract ( )   PDF (480KB) ( )  
    For the port-hinterland container transportation system with transhipment nodes of inland port and dry port simultaneously, an intermodal transportation network structure including three modes of transportation was constructed. Then, for the port-hinterland container transportation network planning problem faced with the impacts of carbon emission policy and demand uncertainty, the optimization model was established by introducing carbon tax policy and carbon emission trading mechanism respectively under stochastic transportation demand. Finally, the case of Yangtze River Economic Belt was applied to analyze the green transportation strategies under the two emission policies. The research conclusion shows that the implementation of the two carbon emission policies promoted the increase of freight flow through dry ports, and the container rail-road transportation was developed. Under some specific tax rates or carbon emission cap proportions, the carbon emission of transportation network was greatly reduced, which can provide certain decision-making reference for the application of carbon emission policy in the field of inland transportation planning. Compared with the deterministic demand situation, the stochastic demand modeling revealed higher requirements for green development decision-making of transportation network.
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    Bridge & Tunnel Engineering
    Influence Analysis of Cast-in-Situ Segment Length on Mechanical Behavior of Ten-Thousand-Ton Horizontal Swivel Cable-Stayed Bridge
    WANG Zhen1,2, ZHOU Jianting1,3, ZHANG Jinquan1,4, WU Haijun1, WU Yuexing1
    2020, 39(12): 44-52.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.08
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2464KB) ( )  
    Aiming at the problem of influence of cast-in-situ sectional length on the stress of horizontal swivel cable-stayed bridges, field measurement and theoretical analysis were combined to analyze the difference of the influence of different segment lengths on the stress and the displacement of the both horizontal swivel continuous beam bridges and horizontal swivel cable-stayed bridges. The mechanism of friction and bond between cast-in-situ beam and formwork was illustrated,and the range of friction coefficients was pointed out. The influence of structural system transformation on the stress state of horizontal swivel cable-stayed bridges was studied, and the contribution of three factors, namely, the length of cast-in-situ segment, the design of prestressed tendon and the effect of friction and bond to the stress state of the structure was revealed. The research results show that different segment lengths have less influence on the forces of the horizontal swivel continuous beam bridge and horizontal swivel cable-stayed bridge, and the results of the two are similar, but the influence on the displacement is greater, and the two results are opposite. The friction-bond effect between cast-in-situ beam and formwork cannot be neglected, which has considerable impact on the stress and deformation of the main beam.The friction coefficient between cast-in-situ beam and formwork is between 0.26 and 0.33. With the increase of friction coefficient,the horizontal displacement and the upper edge compressive stress of the main girder decrease gradually,while the vertical displacement, the lower edge compressive stress, the displacement of the tower top and the cable force increase gradually.The friction-bond effect contributes the most to the force of the structure,which has greater influence on the stress and displacement of the structure;and the cast-in-situ segment length is the second,which has only affected the displacement greatly.Furthermore,the contribution of the design of prestressed tendon is the least, which has little influence on both the structure stress and displacement.
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    Static Wind Stability of Long-Span Asymmetric Suspension Bridge
    HAO Xianwu, SHU Peng, HAO Jianming
    2020, 39(12): 53-59.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.09
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1744KB) ( )  
    In order to study the internal mechanism of the static wind instability of the long-span asymmetric suspension bridge, taking a suspension bridge with a main span of 628 m as the background, the corresponding ANSYS finite element model was established to analyze the static wind stability. Considering the nonlinear influence of the structure system and the static load, the instability process and critical state of bridge under static wind load were analyzed by double iteration method. The results show that the instability process of the long-span asymmetric suspension bridge is that the static wind displacement of the main beam increases nonlinearly, which leads to the increase of the relative vertical displacement of the main cable and suspender, and the stress of the main cable and suspender decreases continuously until the main cable and the suspender are close to the relaxation state and lose stability. The static wind instability mode is a complex three-dimensional instability state, in which the main girder is symmetric transverse bending and symmetric torsion, and the vertical displacement also has a great influence on it.The internal mechanism of static wind instability is that the increase of additional wind attack angle leads to the nonlinear increase of lifting moment and lifting force, the torsion deformation of main beam and the vertical displacement of cable, which leads to the decrease of cable stress and even local relaxation, and finally leads to the significant reduction of gravity stiffness of the bridge structure.
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    Human-Induced Vibration Response Analysis of Long-Span Pedestrian Suspension Glass Bridge in Kanggu Parkland
    CHEN Sitian, PENG Qing, YANG Min
    2020, 39(12): 60-66.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.10
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1957KB) ( )  
    The long-span pedestrian suspension bridge has the characteristics of light weight and low damping, and its natural vibration frequency is often very low, which is within the sensitive range of pedestrian step frequency. Therefore, human-induced vibration becomes a problem that cannot be ignored in the design of this type bridges, especially for suspension bridges in scenic spot. Based on the nonlinear finite element software, the typical vertical and lateral bending modes of the long-span glass suspension bridge in the Kanggu parkland were selected by using the direct resonance theory.Through the finite element time-history analysis method, the vertical and lateral acceleration response time-history curves of bridge deck under different crowd loads were calculated and obtained. The results show that the natural vibration frequency of the proposed bridge is small and the multi-order natural vibration frequencies are in the sensitive range of human step frequency.It is easy to cause obvious vibration of the bridge under the crowd step frequency excitation, which affects the comfort of the bridge. Therefore, the corresponding vibration reduction measures should be proposed.
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    Simulation Experiment of Simply Supported Reinforced Concrete Pre-cracked Beam under Vehicle Static Load
    ZHOU Shuming1,2, YAN Donghuang1
    2020, 39(12): 67-73.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.11
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1859KB) ( )  
    To research the mechanical mechanism of simply-supported reinforced concrete bridges after transverse cracking under vehicle static load, three kinds of transverse cracks with width of 1 mm and length of l=8, 18 and 26 mm were prefabricated respectively in the mid-span and 1/4 of the left and right sides of the cast-in-place reinforced concrete pre-cracked test beam. The simulation test of the reinforced concrete beams with 3 nominal damage ratios (0.053, 0.120 and 0.173) was carried out under vehicle static load. Compared with the integrated beam, the deflection u, the stiffness reduction coefficient η, the crack width w under load, the concrete stress σc in horizontal direction, the reinforcing steel stress σs, and the bonding stress σb between steel bars and concrete near the transverse crack of the pre-cracked test beam were analyzed through the experiment. The stress distribution characteristics of the concrete near the transverse crack of the pre-cracked test beam were studied, and the evolution law of relative deformation and bonding stress between steel bar and concrete at different cracking positions under vehicle static load was revealed. The research shows that the longer the crack length l is, the larger the deflection ucb, the steel stress σs and the concrete stress σc in horizontal direction near crack tip of the pre-cracked test beam under the same loading condition. When l is smaller than the reinforcement cover, the increase of ucb and σs is small; when l is equal to the height of the steel bar center line, ucb and σs increase rapidly; when l exceeds the height of the steel bar center line, ucb and σs decrease slightly. In the mid-span pre-cracked test beam, the bonding stress σb and the relative deformation Δw of the steel bar and concrete near the crack show obvious nonlinear law, while in the 1/4 pre-cracked test beam, σb and Δw satisfy the linear law.
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    Highway & Railway Engineering
    Sliding Resistance and Mechanical Properties of Two-Component Epoxy Resin Anti-skid Thin Layer
    XIE Qun1, WANG Quanlei2,3, WANG Huoming2, XU Zhoucong2
    2020, 39(12): 74-79.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.12
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1728KB) ( )  
    In order to study the anti-skid performance of two-component epoxy resin anti-skid thin layer, the accelerated loading test and mechanical test were combined to discuss the influence of different aggregate types on their anti-skid performance. SMA-10 and the modified emulsified asphalt micro-surfacing were selected as control group to carry out the accelerated loading test. The variation rule of BPN, TD and aggregate abrasion mass loss rate changing with time was analyzed, and the attenuation law of anti-skid performance was fitted and regressed by logarithmic formula. Through shear test and drawing test, the influence of different aggregate types and asphalt base surfaces on their mechanical properties was analyzed. The experimental results show that:the skid resistance of the two-component epoxy resin anti-skid thin layer is better than that of SMA-10 and the modified emulsified asphalt micro-surfacing;within 3 hours after the start of accelerated loading test,the attenuation speed of anti-skid performance is relatively fast, and the attenuation speed is slow in the later stage and trends to decrease slowly;the relationship of TD and BPN changing with wear time has a good correlation with logarithmic formula;the shear strength and bond strength between the anti-skid thin layer and the asphalt concrete base surface are relatively high, and the failure surfaces of the specimens occur inside the asphalt layer.
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    Optimization of Semi-rigid Pavement Structures of LSPM Lower Layer Based on Fatigue Life Increasing
    YUAN Gaoang1, LI Dewen2, PAN Junli2, HAO Peiwen1
    2020, 39(12): 80-87.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.13
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2327KB) ( )  
    Fatigue life is a key factor affecting the durability of pavement structure. The pavement structure with increasing life needs to meet the requirements of good bearing capacity of pavement structure and only functionalize its surface layer, so as to achieve the design goal of long-life durability asphalt pavement structure. Through theoretical calculation and statistical analysis, the relationship between fatigue life and structural layer parameters of asphalt pavement structure layer were discussed, and the influence of different factors on the fatigue life of large stone porous asphalt mixes (LSPM) pavement structure was analyzed. The prediction model of pavement structure fatigue life was proposed. Based on the differences of climate and traffic conditions in Shaanxi province, the combination types and material parameters of LSPM asphalt pavement with increasing life in different regions of Shaanxi province were put forward.
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    Quantitative Evaluation Method of Adhesion Property of Cold Patch Asphalt and Aggregate
    ZHOU Gang1, JIANG Fangting1,2, WANG Kunsheng3
    2020, 39(12): 88-93.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.14
    Abstract ( )   PDF (4193KB) ( )  
    Aiming at the problem of the lack of quantitative analysis of the adhesiveness of cold patched asphalt mixture, and the insufficient qualitative analysis of boiling method, the method of freezing and thawing cycle of cold patch asphalt mixture was used to quantitatively evaluate the adhesion of cold patch asphalt mixture, which took the ratio of asphalt entrapment before and after freezing and thawing as the evaluation index. The research results show that the proposed adhesion evaluation index is in good agreement with the evaluation standard of adhesion grade of standard method to a great extent, which provides a basis for the selection of cold patch fluid.The three types of cold patch asphalt mixture used in the test, that is J, K and L,can improve the adhesion performance between the cold patch fluid and the aggregate,and the adhesion performance is in the order of type J> type K> type L.The entrapment ratio Pused as a quantitative evaluation index greatly increases the objectivity of the test results and provides a basis for the selection of cold patch fluid.
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    Numerical Analysis of Energy Dissipation Process of New Airbag-Type of Emergency Lane
    XU Jianguo, FENG Yue
    2020, 39(12): 94-98.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.15
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5830KB) ( )  
    The large-sized external airbag was used as the main energy-dissipating structure, and the new airbag-type emergency lane was proposed in combination with the traditional emergency lane structure. The large-scale finite element analysis software ABAQUS/Explicit was used to simulate the process of large trucks entering the emergency lane. The airbag was defined as fluid cavity, and the energy dissipation effect of the airbag under different working conditions was compared. A set of the optimal combination of speed and air pressure was determined, and the damage degree of vehicle and airbag was judged. The numerical simulation results indicate the feasibility of new airbag-type emergency lane.
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    Port & Waterway · Hydraulic & Hydroelectric · Resources & Environment
    Spatio-Temporal Degradation Characteristics of Expressway Service Area Runoff Pollutants in Bioretention Filler Layer
    PAN Junkui1,LIU Yan2,LU Chang1,ZHANG Xuguang3,GAO Jianping1
    2020, 39(12): 99-105.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.16
    Abstract ( )   PDF (669KB) ( )  
    A composite filler bioretention column was constructed by using natural soil, construction sand, sawdust compost, zeolite, anthracite and gravel as packing media. The purification effects of retention column on COD, TP, NH+4-N and TN in surface runoff of expressway service area were evaluated through artificial simulation test, and the spatio-temporal degradation characteristics of runoff pollutants in the packing layer of retention column were analyzed. The results show that the composite filler bioretention column has a good removal effect on runoff pollutants. The average concentration reduction rates of COD, TP, NH+4—N and TN by bioretention column under the three inflows condition are 80.2%, 73.3%, 91.1% and 63.9%, respectively. During the inflow period, the outflow concentration of COD, TP and NH+4—N decreases along the depth of the filler layer, while the outflow concentration of TN fluctuates significantly. Within 12 to 144 hours after the stopping of inflow, with the time prolonging, the COD concentration gradually increases in the planting soil layer, but gradually decreases and stabilizes in the sand filter layer and gravel layer; the TP concentration gradually decreases and stabilizes in the three kinds of filler layers; the NH+4—N concentration decreases at first and then gradually increases in the planting soil layer, but gradually decreases and stabilizes in the sand filter layer and gravel layer; the TN concentration decreases at first and then increases gradually in the planting soil layer and sand filter layer, but gradually decreases and stabilizes in gravel layer.
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    Water Quality Prediction and Early Warning Model of Construction Area Based on GA-BP Neural Network
    LI Xinxin1, ZHENG Dan1, YANG Jianxi2, CAI Haonan1, ZENG Weicheng3, YUE Ruiqiang3
    2020, 39(12): 106-110.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.17
    Abstract ( )   PDF (816KB) ( )  
    The existing monitoring methods can reflect the water quality in real-time, but they cannot predict the water quality and guide the construction. Based on this, taking the factors affecting the water quality in the construction area as the prediction parameters and based on the monitoring data, the GA-BP neural network water quality prediction model was established, and the countermeasures for different water quality were also proposed. Combined with the water quality of reservoirs in expressway construction area at different construction stages, the effectiveness of the prediction method and countermeasures was verified. The results show that the proposed GA-BP neural network model can not only accurately and effectively predict the water quality of the site, but also adjust the construction scheme early based on the water quality prediction results and water quality early warning model, so as to reduce the impact of the project construction on the water environment in the construction area.
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    Solidification Utilization of Waste Dredge Sand and Soil
    JIANG Chaohua1,3,LI Zhicheng1,3,FANG Jiamin2,LI Han1,3
    2020, 39(12): 111-116.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.18
    Abstract ( )   PDF (493KB) ( )  
    The present situation of resource utilization of waste dredged sand and soil was summarized, and three kinds of solidification method of dredged sand and soil at home and abroad, that is chemical solidification method, high temperature sintering method and physical dewatering method were summarized. The research shows that the main direction of resource utilization of dredged sand and soil is to prepare brick and ceramsite, engineering backfill and concrete fine aggregate. The existing problems are that the strength of brick develops slowly and is easy to crack, and laitance and bleeding are easy to appear in the mixing process of ceramsite concrete; as a kind of backfill material, its dosage in the actual project needs to be studied; as the concrete fine aggregate, the dehydration problem needs to be solved. It is suggested that the dredged sand and soil can be used as the main raw material to prepare cement-based materials with light weight, good crack resistance and low shrinkage, so as to replace the traditional concrete in waterway regulation engineering and embankment slope protection engineering.
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    Vehicle &Electromechanical Engineering
    Crashworthiness of RCAR Low-Speed Collision Energy Absorbing Box for Pure Electric SUV
    DU Xuejing, CHEN Zhanli, ZHOU Huachen, ZHANG Meiou, SONG Jiali
    2020, 39(12): 117-123.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.19
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2589KB) ( )  
    Aiming at the crashworthiness of a certain pure electric SUV aluminum alloy energy-absorbing box in low-speed frontal collision conditions, the low-speed structure frontal impact simulation of the pure electric SUV was carried out by using the method of computer simulation analysis, according to the European RCAR low-speed crash test regulations. The deformation and energy absorption of the aluminum alloy energy absorbing box of the proposed electric vehicle SUV was analyzed. Moreover, according to the RCAR test requirements and the principle of optimization of the energy-absorbing box, four energy absorbing box optimization schemes were designed. According to the crashworthiness evaluation index of the energy absorbing box, the crashworthiness of the four optimization schemes of the aluminum alloy energy absorbing box was analyzed through quantitative standards. The research results show that the aluminum alloy energy-absorbing box in the initial model of the proposed pure electric SUV has poor crashworthiness and serious damage to the body structure after the collision. The four optimization schemes are compared and analyzed, the aluminum alloy energy absorbing box in the scheme 4 has the best crashworthiness at low speed, which has been obviously improved compared with the initial model.
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    Ship Heading Control System Considering Time Delay of Steering Gear
    ZHAO Yuelin, MA Zheng, SUN Zhuang
    2020, 39(12): 124-129.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.20
    Abstract ( )   PDF (751KB) ( )  
    The steering gear system is an important executive device in the course control system, and its performance directly affects the quality of control. However, due to the existence of time delay, the ship steering system cannot achieve step steering, which leads to the decline of control performance. Smith predictive control has a good compensation effect for time-delay system, and fuzzy PID control has good static stability and dynamic response characteristics. Therefore, a new controller combining with the Smith prediction controller and fuzzy PID controller was proposed, which made full use of their advantages. The simulation analysis shows that the fuzzy PID course control system based on Smith compensation has the static characteristics of accurately tracking error and the dynamic characteristics of fast and no-overshoot, and has relatively strong robustness.
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    Mechanical Analysis and Optimal Design of Hinge System of 60 m3 Articulated Split Hopper Barge
    YANG Jingdong1, LI Yangwu1, LIU Meishan2, HUANG Bing3
    2020, 39(12): 130-134.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2020.12.21
    Abstract ( )   PDF (7565KB) ( )  
    Split hopper barge is an advanced barge for sludge discharge, which is widely used in inland waterway dredging projects. When the working environment is relatively bad, if the hinge arm is damaged, the half body cannot be opened and closed normally, which cannot meet the operation requirements and is prone to safety accidents. The stress of hinged arm and deck hinged structure of a small inland river split hopper barge was theoretically analyzed and improved, and the strength of the improved hinged arm structure was calculated by finite element method. Combining with the calculation results, whether the improved structure meets the strength specification requirements was discussed. The results show that the force of the optimized and improved hinge system is more reasonable and within a safe range.
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