Failure Modes in Fill of Pilesupported Embankments
FEI Kang, CHEN Yi, WANG Junjun
2011, 30(2):
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.18
To improve the understanding of the failure modes in the embankment fill, a parametrical study through finite element method was carried out.In the analysis, the pilespacing, the fill height and the friction angle of embankment fill were varied. Based on the yield zone and increment of equivalent plastic strain, failure mechanism in fill under different circumstances was analyzed; it was found that for low embankment with the ratio of fill height to the pile spacing H/s 1,the filure surface was vertical or slightly inclined which started from the pile edge and went through the whole fill height. For H /s 1.2, though the shape was upside down, the developed failure surface was like that assumed in the Terzagh is bearing capacity theory, .ie.at the ultimate state there was triangular elastic zone, radial shear zone and passive zone in the embankment fill. Due to the interference effect of adjacent piles, the failure surface was different indifferent cases
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