

    15 April 2011, Volume 30 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Nonlinear Seismic Response Analysis of Irregular Continuous Bridge
    GENG Jiangwei, ZHU Dongsheng, XIANG Zhongfu, BAO Guiyu
    2011, 30(2): 185-189.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.01
    Abstract ( )   PDF (845KB) ( )  
    The linear and nonlinear time history seismic response of an irregular continuous bridge with the same span was analyzed by fiber model method; the impact of Peffect on seismic response of the bridge and differences between linear and nonlinear results were analyzed.The results showed that the short pier with higher stiffness was weak in earthquake resistance and it could be severely damaged in earthquake; the impact of Peffect on the short pier was insignificart; linear results were different from nonlinear results.
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    Seismic Action Assessment Indicator of Nearfault Ground Motion for Longspan CFST Arch Bridge
    XING Fan, ZHU Bing
    2011, 30(2): 190-195.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.02
    Abstract ( )   PDF (570KB) ( )  
    Assessment indicator of the near fault ground motions on CFST arch bridge was studied. According to the fact that longspan arch bridge was liable to be destroyed by the se ism ic lowfrequency im pu lse, decom pos ition o f se ism ic signa l by dyadic orthogonal wave let transform was proposed; the influence of wavelet component peak values on structure was taken into account; assessment indicator of seismicaction was proposed; perform ancebased seismic design was shown.
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    Determination of Friction Coefficients between Steel Wires in Stay Cables
    LI Hong, ZHENG Gang, CHEN Can
    2011, 30(2): 196-199.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.03
    Abstract ( )   PDF (448KB) ( )  
    A ccurate identification of friction coefficients between steel wires accurately is one of the prerequisites for analyzing the local bending stresses in stay cables. Based on the friction theory, external load, membranes on metal surface and working condition, amethod of testing friction coefficients of high streng thgalvanized wires was introduced which provided reliable basis for analyzing the relationship among wires in stay cable.
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    Parameter Optimum of Leadrubber Bearings (LRB) in the Longspan Cablestayed Bridges
    ZHANG Kai, GUO Wenhua
    2011, 30(2): 200-203.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.04
    Abstract ( )   PDF (191KB) ( )  
    Reducing vibration by leadrubber bearings was proposed in longspan cablestayed bridge.Spatial finiteelement models of a long spancable stayed bridge and LRB swere established respectively. Seismic responses of the bridge were calculated through time history analysis; parameter optimum of LRBs was carried out by orthogonal design.The results indicated that LRBs with optimization design could effectively reduce seismic response of the cablestayed bridge.
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    Static Behavior Analysis of Diaphragm in Flat SteelBox Girder of CableStayed Bridge in Service Stage
    YE Huawen, GUAN Yue, WEI Xing
    2011, 30(2): 204-208.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.05
    Abstract ( )   PDF (618KB) ( )  
    The static behavior of diaphragms in hunging point and unhunging point respectively by mixed finite element mode l under 8-lane traffic load of the north channel bridge of Zhujiang Huangpu Bridge was studied; factors influencing the behavior of diaphragms such as stiffeners in both top and bottom plate and cable force were analyzed; reasonable hole position in diaphragm was proposed. After comparison of the stability of diaphragm with different stiffeners distribution, a reasonable and economical stiffeners setting scheme was presented to enhance the stability of diaphragm in unhunging point under vehicle loads.
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    On Early Warning of Shipbridge Collision
    ZHANG Min, YANG Xuehui, LI Tao
    2011, 30(2): 209-212.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.06
    Abstract ( )   PDF (396KB) ( )  
    In order to improve the level of water transportation information management and decrease the loss of shipbridge collision, a shipbridge collision early warning calculation method was established based on fuzzy math and experts??advice; the said method was applied in Chongqing VTS and exper iments on real ships were conducted. The results showed that the method could predict risks of shipbridge collision and avoid collision accident, therefore it was practical and could be promoted.
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    FireResistance Countermeasures Selection for Bridges Based on Risks
    LIN Hui, ZHOU Yungang, JIAN Fangliang
    2011, 30(2): 213-216.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.07
    Abstract ( )   PDF (335KB) ( )  
    Basic thoughts and contents of risk based fire resistance countermeasures for bridges were discussed, including the relations between fire resistance level and fire resistance perform ance of bridges, the determination of fire resistance grade for bridges and the objective of fire resistance performance; fire resistance methods for bridges were proposed which could be achieved by varying grade parameters.Anactual engineering was used to illustrate the applicability of the proposed method.
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    Numerical Analysis of Local Stability at Intersection Parts of Tunnel
    LIU Shanhong, CHEN Yinchun, LI Gang
    2011, 30(2): 217-220.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.08
    Abstract ( )   PDF (389KB) ( )  
    A case study was carried out in intersection parts between them a in tunnel and the transverse tunnel for truck of Juyunshan Tunnel in Fuling, Chongqing. Distributions of deformation and stresses in these parts caused by complex forces were presented; numerical analysis method with 3D finite element model was employed. The analys is results indicated that earth gravity of tunnel and structural loads were mainly responsible for local cracking and stability of ntersection parts. Safety of the structure and stab ility could be guaranteed by streng then ingm eans in the parts; seve ra l proposa ls of improv ing the stability o f intersection parts both in design ing and constructing we re presented.
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    Research on Application of Spraying Polyurea Elastomers Waterproof Mechanism in Highway Tunnel
    WU Mengjun , ZHANG Yongxing, LIU Xingrong, LIU Yang
    2011, 30(2): 221-224.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.09
    Abstract ( )   PDF (259KB) ( )  
    Waterproof mechanism, mate rials and techniques spraying waterproofing were studied based on theoretical analysis, indoor and insitutests; a spraying waterproofing technique was obtained with quick solidification, seamless film and betterw aterproofing property, the technique solved problems such as uniformity film on backslope vertical side or vault walls and adhesion of damp surface; it could also help make up for some deficiencies incurrent technology and provide a new technique for highway tunnel waterproofing.
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    Secondary Pollution Numerical Analysis of the Flow Channeling in the Extrance of Zhongliangshan Tunnel
    YU Kuai, LIU Hong, WANG Xiaowen, CHEN Jianzhong
    2011, 30(2): 225-228.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.10
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1036KB) ( )  
    Secondary pollution caused by inhalation of polluted air at the exit of the tunnel deter iorates the environment of the adjacent tunne.l Based on the k-threed imensional turbulence model and multicomponent diffusion transport equation, the spread of gas at the extrance of Zhongliangshan Tunnel was simulated by the Fluent software; the influence degree on another tunnel entrance was analyzed as well. Finally, applying forests instead of retaining wall to reducing secondary pollution was proposed.
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    Construction Method for Mining for Shallow Tunnels with Pebble SoilLayer
    WEI Longhai, LI Dongsheng, LU Junfu
    2011, 30(2): 229-233.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.11
    Abstract ( )   PDF (714KB) ( )  
    Based on the test section by mining method for shallow Tunnels of Chengdu Subway Line 1, discrete element method and field measurement data were employed to study construction method for mining for shallow tunnels with pebble soil layer. The result indicated in pebble soil layer, settlement of earths surface by bench method was bigger than that by the CD method; monitoring of the deformation of support should be conducted frequently. Due to the complexity of CD method, larger construction disturbance and self stability without disturbance, it was suggested that priority should be given to the bench method
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    Comparison Analysis of Data Quality Differentiation Ability between Selfregression Theory and Recursion Method
    ZENG Shan, ZENG Fanxiang, XU Xi
    2011, 30(2): 234-236.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.12
    Abstract ( )   PDF (162KB) ( )  
    Selfregression theory and recursion method were applied to analyzing actual settlement of tunnel arch. By comparison, it was obtained that selfregression could better distinguish data quality and filtrate data.So selfregression theory was more proper for high level project monitoring which required higher precision of data; recursion method with strong anti jamming facility could be applied when there was no need for high quality of related data.
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    Evaluation of Load Transfer Efficiency at Joints for Rigid Airport Pavement on Winkler Foundation
    ZHOU Zhengfeng
    2011, 30(2): 237-241.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.13
    Abstract ( )   PDF (643KB) ( )  
    Based on Winkler foundation, a comprehensive 3D finite element model to analyze the structrual response of jointed rigid airport pavement was established by ABAQUS software.Bending stress and deflection for typical pavement structure on edge loading case were calculated under various landing assemb lies with varying subgrade strength and joint stiffness.A new relationship model between the deflection load transfer efficiency obtained from bearing plate of Heavy Weight Deflectometer(HWD) and joint stiffness was established; relationship models between the deflection load transfer efficiencies and the stress load transfer efficiencies were also established.The results provided an approach to evaluate load transfer efficiency at joints for rigid airport pavement.
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    Temperature Stress Analysis of Rubble Concrete Pavement
    SUN Li, LIU Anheng
    2011, 30(2): 242-245.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.14
    Abstract ( )   PDF (342KB) ( )  
    Based on ana lysis of material properties of concrete rubble, threedimensional finite element software COSMOS was employed to calculate concrete pavement thermal stress; orthogonal design method was applied to analyzing factors affecting therm alstress; variation rule of influence factors was obtained; uniform design was used to arrange parameters combination; SPSS software was employed to obtain practical formula for thermal stress of concrete pavement calculation.
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    Study on Influencing Factors of Steel Slag Pervious Concrete
    FENG Min, GUO Peng, WANG Ruiyan
    2011, 30(2): 246-249.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.15
    Abstract ( )   PDF (422KB) ( )  
    Chemical composition, mechanical property and stability of 5 year-old converter slag were analyzed; the influences of different watercement ratio, volume ratio of aggregate to slurry and aggregate size on strength and water permeability of pervious concrete were studied. Results demonstrated that volume ratio of aggregate to slurry and aggregate size were key factors in affecting strength and water permeability of pervious concrete; water cement ratio exerted greater influence on steel slag permeability coefficient while little on 28d compressive strength.
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    On Properties of Warm Mix Recycled Asphalt Mixture in Highway
    SUN Jishu, XIAO Tian, YANG Chunfeng, JIN Canzhang
    2011, 30(2): 250-253.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.16
    Abstract ( )   PDF (159KB) ( )  
    Firstly, the impact of Sasobit on asphalt viscoity was studied; mix temperature of warm mix recycled asphalt mixturew as determined.High temperature performance, low temperature performance and water stability of the said mixture were studied when recycled asphalt mixture coten tw as 0% to 60%; the influence of recycled aspha ltm ix ture cotent on the properties of wa rm m ix recy cled aspha ltm ix turew as analyzed.The results dem onstrated tha t Sasobit co ld g rea tly reduce as pha lt v isco ity and lower them ix and copaction temperature of the asphalt.W a rm m ix recyc led asphalt m ixture could be em p loyed in d ifferent pavem ent structures due to its confo rma tion to current spec ifications
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    Experimental Research on Antifatigue Performance of OGFC Mixture
    LE Yu, JIANG Jian
    2011, 30(2): 254-257.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.17
    Abstract ( )   PDF (272KB) ( )  
    Fatigue damageme chanism caused by cyclic loading vehicle was analyzed; a method was proposed to evaluate OGFC asphalt fatigue performance; corresponding tests were conducted to study the response of OGFC fatigue performance impacted by four factors gradation, asphalt type, oil stone ratio and loading level. The results demonstrated that four different factors contribute to fatigue life should be gradation > loading level > asphalt varieties > oilstone ratio according to their importance.
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    Failure Modes in Fill of Pilesupported Embankments
    FEI Kang, CHEN Yi, WANG Junjun
    2011, 30(2): 258-262.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.18
    Abstract ( )   PDF (537KB) ( )  
    To improve the understanding of the failure modes in the embankment fill, a parametrical study through finite element method was carried out.In the analysis, the pilespacing, the fill height and the friction angle of embankment fill were varied. Based on the yield zone and increment of equivalent plastic strain, failure mechanism in fill under different circumstances was analyzed; it was found that for low embankment with the ratio of fill height to the pile spacing H/s 1,the filure surface was vertical or slightly inclined which started from the pile edge and went through the whole fill height. For H /s 1.2, though the shape was upside down, the developed failure surface was like that assumed in the Terzagh is bearing capacity theory, .ie.at the ultimate state there was triangular elastic zone, radial shear zone and passive zone in the embankment fill. Due to the interference effect of adjacent piles, the failure surface was different indifferent cases
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    Impact of Climate Warming on Subgrade Stabilization in Permafrost Areas
    LI Jinming, ZHOU Yuming, YUAN Xizhong
    2011, 30(2): 263-265.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.19
    Abstract ( )   PDF (235KB) ( )  
    In order to analyze the impact of permafrost degradation on subgrade stabilization in northeast permafrost areas with climate warming, supposed the annual grow thrate of temperature was 0.05, the maximum seasonal thawing depth change of permafrost was calculated by finite element analysis software ANSYS based on different surface coverage and different ice content; the settlement of soil with different amount of ice was calculated through thawing settlement coefficient. The results demonstrated that when there was climate warming, the settlement of soil with greater ice content was greater than that with minorice content; natural turf and peat could prevent perm afrost from degradating; human activities would worsen the soil settlement, thus causing serious in fluence on embankment stability of highway and railway engineering.
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    On Road Pavement Construction Materials Site Selection Based on Fuzzy AHP
    YANG Qingyun
    2011, 30(2): 266-269.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.20
    Abstract ( )   PDF (264KB) ( )  
    Factors affecting road pavement construction mate rials site selection were analyzed from four aspects, name ly natural environment, economic environment, social environment and infrastructure; frame work of the index system factors was constructed; quantitative scoring and calculation by using fuzzy AHP were conducted; taking the second mark pavement of Baotian project as an example, the method was verified.The result indicated that the method could accurately determine highway site selection after calculation.
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    Application of Nonlinear Finite Element in Vibration Compaction
    QIU Sheng, CAO Yuanwen
    2011, 30(2): 270-272.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.21
    Abstract ( )   PDF (580KB) ( )  
    There are complex dynamic interactions between vibration wheel and soil in the process of vibrating compaction. In this paper, a finite element m ode l o f the vibration wheel and soil in ABAQUS w as established; vibration compaction process was analyzed; the results demonstrated that finite element model could be a good simulation o f the non linear response of the vibrating compaction process, which could help design and predict vibratory roller compaction effect.
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    Slope Stability Analysis in Highintensity Earthquake Zone by Strength Reduction Method
    SHI Shirong, CHEN Linjie, YU Chao
    2011, 30(2): 273-276.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.22
    Abstract ( )   PDF (520KB) ( )  
    Through strength reduction of rock and soil parameters, the seismic slope stability factor during the process of earthquake was obtained by finite element software ANSYS. The dynamic characteristics o f high slope was studied after analysis of lateral acceleration versus time of cross section. With examples of slope in high intensity earthquake zone, the slope failure mechanism under the earthquake was analyzed; feasibility of the strength reduction dynamic analysis was valid dated. The study indicated that strength reduction analysis could determine slope stability in earthquake zone as well as the dynamic effect.
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    Dynamic Response and Safety Coefficient Calculation of Slope under Severe Earthquake
    YANG Jie, YANG Shangqing, XIAO Shengxie
    2011, 30(2): 277-281.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.23
    Abstract ( )   PDF (685KB) ( )  
    A seismic analysis of a uniform slope was made through ANSYS. According to the Wilson-θ time history analysis and dynamic response analysis of stress, displacement, velocity and acceleration w ere done under the Tianjin seismic which was input into the slope model. In the POST1, safety factor was calculated through stress field by Moore- coulomb’s Strength Theory; safety coefficient distribution map was obtained. When safety factor w as 0.521, a section crossed volley border, there fore it had the possibility of sliding. It was demonstrated that the model with safety coefficient 0.521 was unstable.
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    Analysis of Deformation Characteristics and Its Influencing Factors of Slope with Soft Interlayer
    QIN Hong
    2011, 30(2): 282-286.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.24
    Abstract ( )   PDF (348KB) ( )  
    Research of slope stability with weak inter layer was reviewed; numerical simulation of five working conditions by finite difference code FLAC3D w as conducted; geometric features of rock slope with so ft inter layer and the influence of mechanical parameters such as slope hight, slope angle, interlayer dip angle, cohesion and internal friction angle etc, on displacement of rock slope were analyzed.
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    Simulation Analysis of Carhighway Curb Crash
    WANG Wen , LIWei, ZHOU Jing
    2011, 30(2): 287-290.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.25
    Abstract ( )   PDF (773KB) ( )  
    Car model and curbs model w ere established through analysis; crash tests with different curb models at different crash angles at 80 km /h were carried out. ADMAS/View car’s velocity, moving tracks and other parameter after crash tests w ere analyzed; the optimization curb was obtained. Simulation results show that the RA3-type curb had better performance than the H1-type, R1-type and F1 type when the carsh happened at different angles at 80km/h.
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    Runoff Trend Analysis and Distributed Hourly Model Application Study of the Upper Reaches of Yangtze River
    HOU Baojian, WANG Miaolin
    2011, 30(2): 291-294.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.26
    Abstract ( )   PDF (368KB) ( )  
    Kendall correlated method was employed to analyze the variations o f runoff of the upper Yangtze River based on the data collected by six major stations a long them a in stream. The results indicated runoff of some stations decreased differently while the Jinsha River and Wujiang River were exceptional; runoff of Jialing River, Minjiang River and Tuojiang River decreased greatly and that o f Cuntan Station decreased a little. Distributed hourly water balance model was established based on GIS and DEM and its application in Cuntan Station in 1981 showed accuracy with efficiency coefficient 0.982, relevant cofficient 0.955 and water amount balance coefficient 1.001.The average value of efficiency coefficient was above 0.85; the error of water balance was within 5%; there was little difference between runoff by simulation and that by survey.
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    On Calculation of the Landslide Surge of the Riverchannel Type Reservoir in Mountainous Area
    LI Ying, WANG Pingyi, HU Xiaowei
    2011, 30(2): 295-299.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.27
    Abstract ( )   PDF (397KB) ( )  
    Based on comprehension of the causes of the reservoir landslides and influence factors of the surge size and principles o f solid flow energy exchange, the conceptual model test by the water flume was carried out in a typical mountain river reservoir-the Three Gorges Reservoir. The multiple linear regression method was adopted to obtain the relationship among three factors, the landslide slope, the effective contact area between so lid and flow, the rich water depth of the relative initial-surge, the relative initial-surge height, and the relationship between the initial surge height and the progressive surge height. Besides, the error analysis was conducted between the calculated values by the fitted empirical formula and the measured values in the test. The results showed that the fitted empirical formula was reliable.
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    Design of Gasoline Engine Idle Speed Controller Based on Fuzzy PID
    LIU Chunyan, NIU Wangjie, YAN Chi
    2011, 30(2): 300-302.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.28
    Abstract ( )   PDF (397KB) ( )  
    Based on analysis of petrol engine idling working condition, mixing up methods of PID and fuzzy controlling were employed. If there was large deviation, fuzzy control could be applied; if not, PID control should be employed. In this way, speed could be achieved when there was big error; accuracy could be guaranteed when there was small error. Simulation results indicated that speed, stability and accuracy were realized; accuracy under idling working condition and quality of the system were improved.
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    Matching of Parameters of Power Transmission for Electric Vehicles
    XUE Nianwen, GAO Fei, XU Xing, GONG Xin
    2011, 30(2): 303-307.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.29
    Abstract ( )   PDF (393KB) ( )  
    According to electric vehicle dynamic requirements and the disadvantages of system resonance, a matching method of power-train for electric vehicles was put forward based on frequency matching of drive train system. Taking mechanical and electrical drive system for an electric car as an example, software ADVISOR was employed to conduct simulation analysis of drive cycle of the dynamic and economic performance; the result was in accordance with actual data. Both the simulation result and test data indicated that dynamic and economic performance of the vehicle could meet the requirements; there was no resonance of the power-train system; feasibility match method was verified.
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    Dynamic System of Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV)
    WANG Wenbin, LI Jun, GUO Chao, CHEN Wei
    2011, 30(2): 308-310.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.30
    Abstract ( )   PDF (394KB) ( )  
    Due to the need for vehicle energy saving and emission reduction in the city, the HEVs with low displacement and different dynamic systems were studied and simulated. The simulation and analysis results based on ADVISOR indicated that parallel HEV with low displacement could achieve outstanding dynamics, economy performance and emission property as well. According to the characters of the city-drive-mode, the parallel HEV with low displacement was much more suitable for automobile energy saving, emissions reduction and environment protection than that of the series HEV.
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    Effect of Ignition Advance Angle on Idle Performance of Hydrogen Fueled CNG Engine
    HE Yituan, AN Na, DENG Jiao, NASHAY Naeve, MA Fanhua
    2011, 30(2): 311-314.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.31
    Abstract ( )   PDF (339KB) ( )  
    To study the effect of ignition advance angle (〖θ 〗_i) on idle performance of a hydrogen fueled CNG engine, an idle performance test was conducted on a hydrogen fueled CNG engine. The engine speed was fixed at 800r/min; the excess air ratio was set at λ= 2 and 〖θ 〗_i was adjusted from 20℃ A BTDC to 0℃ ABTDC. The results demonstrated that as 〖θ 〗_i was reduced, the flame development angle decreased and the rapid combustion period increased. When > 16℃ A, most of the fuel was combusted before TDC; the negative power increased and the indicated thermal efficiency was rather low. When 〖θ 〗_i was around 10℃ A, the indicated thermal efficiency reached its top value and the exhaust emissions were rather low. To a hydrogen fueled engine, the combustion conditions were not enough to produce certain amount of CO and HC under conditions o f idle and lean burning; 〖θ 〗_i should be reduced properly to reduce NOx emissions
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    Sensitivity Analysis and Structure Optimization of Cars with White Body
    ZHU Maotao, WANG Zhong, QING Shaojun, LI Feng, FAN Jun
    2011, 30(2): 315-318.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.32
    Abstract ( )   PDF (309KB) ( )  
    In this paper, finite element model of Body-In-White( BIW ) of a car was established; theoretical modal analyses were conducted; finite element model was verified by modal tests of BIW ware. Based on the heavy vibration of the white body at normal speed, the inherent frequency and sensitivity of each structural panel were analyzed; components with greater sensitivity were found out. By comparing the relative sensitivities, the influence degree of the different area of the structure was clear; based on some model optimization and modification, a more suitable structure was obtained when taking low rank modal frequency as state variables and plate thickness with relavitively greater sensivity as variables.
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    Reliability Analysis of Lifting Actuator Hydraulic System for Aerial Work Platform
    LUO Tianhong, ZHANG Wei, LI Hong
    2011, 30(2): 319-322.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.33
    Abstract ( )   PDF (313KB) ( )  
    Due to vibration and shock caused by frequent start and brake in the operation of folding Aerial Work Platforms (AWP) , the Reliability Analysis (RA) methods of lifting actuator hydraulic system for AWP based on the MATLAB/SIM-ULINK were developed. The mathematical model with system reliability was established. The simulation results by MATLAB/SIMULINK could be applied to analyzing the performance of hydraulic system and researching intelligence control.
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    Solubility and Application of Solubility Field of New Oil Separator
    WEI An, HAN Xuefeng, YU Peiwen, YAN Langtao
    2011, 30(2): 323-326.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.34
    Abstract ( )   PDF (825KB) ( )  
    Based on comparison of the new oil separator and the structure of the traditional one, new physical model was established. Due to the same mechnical properties of oil and water and different density of oil and water, two- phase fluid in the separation o f the cylinder generated by high- speed rotation velocity changed; oil and water would be able to be separated a t all nodes, therefore the solubility of each node changed. However, if the distribution of speed at each node was known, the solubility fie ld could be solved. According to the characteristics of a mathematical model, the solubility field could be solved, which could provide theoretical basis for management, application and maintenance o f the new oil separator.
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    Stability Analys is of Shortterm Interzone Passenger Ship in Chongqing
    NIE Jianning, NING Ping
    2011, 30(2): 327-329.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.35
    Abstract ( )   PDF (134KB) ( )  
    Stability analysis of 4 representative typical inter zone passenger ships in Chongqing was presented; with the lowest request for ships stability by the country and relevant requirement by Chongqing Port Navigation Administration Bureau as a prerequisite, feasibility of techno logical transformation plan and ways of improving the economic effiency of Chongqing short distance passenger ship were discussed.
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    Structural Integrated State Evaluation Based on Incomplete Frequency Response Function
    LI Liusheng, LI Xiaoyu
    2011, 30(2): 330-333.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.36
    Abstract ( )   PDF (379KB) ( )  
    Finite element model of civil engineering structure was analyzed; damage index was deduced; equations to calculate the damage weve built; dam age of each unit of the structure was obtained through the least square method. Offset level of graphics of frequency response function was employed to determine structural damage; damage location was identified by damage index based on incomplete FRF; calculation equations of damage quantitative were established; damage degree was assessed by the least square. The simulation results demonstrated that the integrated state evaluation could better assess structural damage.
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    Optimization Study of Provincial Urban Agglomeration Logistics Alliance System Based on the SD Model
    CAO Yi, WEI Lianyu, YU Huan
    2011, 30(2): 334-339.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.37
    Abstract ( )   PDF (592KB) ( )  
    According to economy development trend in provincial cities, modelling method of logistics system dynamics was discussed based on system dynamics principle and provincial logistics alliance system; mathematical analytical formula was deduced on the basis of the characteristics of the model. Through analysis of Beijing Tianjin Hebei provincial logistics alliance system, practicality and guidance o f the model we re demonstrated; a new insight was provided for the integration and allocation o f provincial logistics system.
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    On Performance Evaluation of Green Supply Chain Based on Cloud Matter Element Model
    TANG Qiusheng, ZHAO Shengnan, LV Xianyang
    2011, 30(2): 340-343.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.38
    Abstract ( )   PDF (195KB) ( )  
    Green supply chain performance evaluation system taking into account four elements, namely finance, operation, environment and sustainable development was built through the idea of balanced scorecard method; based on combination of cloud theory and matter element analysis method, cloud matter element integration evaluation model was proposed; matter element expression of qualitative concept with natural language description only was realized; efficiency and reliance o f the model were verified application of green supply chain in enterprises.
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    Communication between VC++ and Flash Based on Socket
    LI Xia, CHEN Song, ZHANG Guoyan
    2011, 30(2): 344-348.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.39
    Abstract ( )   PDF (239KB) ( )  
    VC++ can deal with large amount o f data processing. How ever, for the programming, there are conflicts when designing system interface. Flash, a kind of interactive vector multi-media technology, can acquire a friendly, elegant and practical user interface after being embedded in the outside containers of web pages or application programs. Multiple interactions between VC++ and Flash were realized with Socket; advantages of VC++ and Flash were complementary through successful communication between two processes in different machines.
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    Design and Implementation of Template Web Data Export
    WANG Jiawei, HUANG Kun, WANG Renhong
    2011, 30(2): 349-352.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-0696.2011.02.40
    Abstract ( )   PDF (228KB) ( )  
    In B/S Mode, exporting data to excel is usually realized by some common data controls in C#, how ever, the exporting format of data and the style of report are hard to control. Implementing process of exporting data to excel based on Web Data Window Control of Data Window. NET was introduced. In this way, data including some complicate style of report could be exported to excel exactly without data container like Data Set to store data.
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